Project Meats, also known as Ranch House is seeking a tax abatement for the renovation of their new facility at 2032 Old Hardin Road in Lockwood.

Owners of the 17 –year –old business, Shane and Tanya Flowers plan to invest $1.1 million to continue to expand their meat processing and retail sales business. They process meat for customers, making snack sticks, jerky, sausage and other specialty products. They also wholesale fresh portions of meats, as well as distribute their products to warehouses across the central US to the Mexican border.

Once fully operational they will process 46,000 pounds of meat trim a day, turning it into snacks, sausage and jerky. They have another plant for processing local meat, as well as bringing in meat from clients from all over the US.

The company employs 15  full time people and 6 part time. As they proceed with their expansion they expect to have 25 full time employees and 10 part time within the next two years.

The abatement request will be considered by County Commissioners at a public hearing. The five year abatement program grants a reduction on property taxes upon the value of the new improvements. The first year the tax is zero, and then increases 20 percent incrementally each year until reaching the full 100 percent assessment. 


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