NWE Plans New Transmission Line to Meet Growth Needs
by Evelyn Pyburn
NorthWestern Energy has announced plans to build an additional 230 kV transmission line that will serve customers in Yellowstone County and the region that will provide “critical” additional electric transmission capacity.
The 21-mile long line – expected to cost between $25 million and $30 million – will run from NorthWestern Energy’s existing Shorey Road substation and head northwest, ending at NorthWestern Energy’s existing Broadview substation. The project includes upgrades to the Broadview Substation and Shorey Road Substation, both North of the Billings Area with construction anticipated in 2027 and 2028.
Project siting and right-of-way acquisition is intended to begin in 2025 and construction of the new electric transmission line anticipated in 2027, to be completed within the next 3 years.
The line will be subject to the Montana Major Facilities Siting Act, which requires NorthWestern to file a public notice in area newspapers and with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality describing the project details and approach prior to easement acquisition.
The line will “ensure “continued safe reliable electric service is provided to support growing electric load and Billings area economy,” according to Jo Dee Black, NorthWestern’s Public Relations Specialist, who added it is a “top priority to provide critical additional capacity to the electric grid that serves the region. Black explained, “The project will provide important new capacity and reliability improvements to NorthWestern’s transmission system . . . NorthWestern has seen significant residential and commercial demand growth in the Billings areas and expects that trend to continue.”
The new 230 kV line will consist of a combination of two-pole “H-Frame” steel structures and single pole steel structures, depending on terrain and engineering requirements, with potential pole heights from 70 feet to 120 feet. The news 230 kV line will be similar in appearance and design to other area transmission lines.