The Montana Farm Bureau has submitted a letter to U.S. House of Representatives leadership urging them to take up the Fort Belknap Indian Community (FBIC) Water Settlement Act of 2024 (S.1987).

“The Milk River Project in north central Montana is aptly referred to as the “Lifeline of the Highline” because it provides water to over 120,000 acres of productive farmland, several towns, and two tribes,” said MFBF President Cyndi Johnson in her letter to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries. “Just over one week ago, a portion of the Milk River Project near Babb, Montana, suffered a disastrous failure, flooding the nearby community and threatening the economic certainty of a large portion of our state.

Johnson explained that the FBIC provides the assistance to restore St. Mary’s Canal that MFBF members have been asking for and negotiating about for more than 20 years. This legislation will provide $275 million for Milk River Project infrastructure repairs and to restore the St. Mary’s Canal.

“Without the essential repairs S. 1987 will provide to the Milk River Project, a large portion of our state will literally dry up and it’s not just our state that will suffer,” said Johnson, adding, “According to the Milk River Joint Board of Control, this project and the agriculture it supports raise enough food to feed 1 million people.”

The Conrad wheat farmer explained, “Our members, these rural communities, and our state will be put in great jeopardy if this project is not repaired quickly and completely. Please act promptly on the Fort Belknap Indian Community Water Settlement Act of 2024.”

The Department of Energy is adding $700 million to a $3.6 billion project that will boost the electrical energy supply for North Dakota and Montana.

The funding from DOE’s Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships Program will go toward a 3,000-megawatt High-Voltage Direct Current Voltage Source Converter transmission line from Center, N.D., to Colstrip, Montana — the North Plains Connector.

The project will increase transfer capacity by 1,400% between three regional entities and add 3,800 megawatts of new capacity.

By developing a high voltage direct current transmission line between North Dakota and Montana, the Project will connect the U.S. eastern and western electric grids. As a critical link between regions, it will support economic growth for both states.

“North Dakota welcomes this investment in transmission infrastructure to ensure a resilient and reliable power grid. Still, in order to meet growing consumer demand for electricity and support economic expansion, we need to add transmission capacity AND build upon our existing baseload generation – not try to shut it down,” Gov. Burgum said. “The North Plains Connector project will create a critical link between electricity markets and regions, support our all-of-the-above energy approach and contribute to national energy security. We’re grateful to the North Dakota Transmission Authority and all the partners supporting this investment.”

“Still, in order to meet growing consumer demand for electricity and support economic expansion, we need to add transmission capacity AND build upon our existing baseload generation – not try to shut it down,” Burgum said in a news release.

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte said a steady supply of energy is crucial to Montana and the country.

“Through this investment, we’re upgrading and modernizing Montana’s electrical transmission infrastructure to power our homes, schools and businesses,” Gianforte said.

The North Plains Connector will connect three regional control entities: the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), and Southwest Power Pool (SPP). According to DOE, the project will create up to 3,800 megawatts of new capacity and increase transfer capacity between WECC and the Eastern Interconnection in Montana and North Dakota by 1,400%.

In July, the Montana Department of Commerce announced it had been awarded $47.5 million from DOE for projects in Rosebud, Custer, and Fallon counties, as well as the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, to help mitigate the impact of construction of the North Plains Connector transmission line. Eligible projects will include infrastructure updates, such as roads, water, sewers, emergency services, and other projects related to workforce and infrastructure development.

Callen Kleinhenz joined the Billings Chamber of Commerce, as the new Member Engagement Manager in June 2024. Kleinhenz leads member onboarding, engagement, and retention efforts.

Her marketing, management, and people skills will lend themselves well in her new role. Kleinhenz connects current Billings Chamber members with their membership benefits and engages members in sponsorship, advertising, and additional Chamber services and opportunities.

Additionally, she plays an integral role in developing and maintaining relationships with members to ensure their satisfaction and engagement, while leading Business After Hours and Business Celebrations. Kleinhenz holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Apparel Design and Business Management.

Prior to coming to the Billings Chamber, she worked for 10 years in the corporate fashion sector, with the last five years at Pendleton Woolen Mills as their Division Head of Accessories. She returned to her roots in Montana from Portland, Oregon.

The news agency, The Center Square is concerned about keeping America’s election honest, and have focused reporting on what is happening in various states.

While we are routinely assured there is nothing to worry about in regard to the integrity of our elections, Center Square has found that is not true.

The Center Square recently broke the news that Washington State’s Attorney General and the Secretary of State’s office agreed to void a provision in the state constitution that requires voters to be residents for at least 30 days before participating in an election.

“This is a historic affront to the integrity of our elections. The provision that voters reside in Washington State for at least 30 days before casting a ballot dates to the original Constitution that Washington adopted upon joining the union in 1889.  Never in 135 years of statehood have officials in Washington contemplated such a brazen attack on the sanctity of the vote,” commented Center Square.

Even more outrageous than what they did is how they did it.

The Attorney General and Secretary of State made this rule change by sidestepping the constitutional amendment process, which requires supermajorities in the legislature and a supermajority vote of the people. Instead, they amended the constitution through state agency rulemaking.

“The implications of this precedent are staggering: political actors can effectively amend the constitution by having groups – in this case an organization that donated to AG Bob Ferguson’s campaign for governor – file a lawsuit and then agree to a consent decree to remove that provision without any say from either the citizens of the state of Washington or their elected representatives.”

Under Washington state law now, a person can register to vote (without any verification) and participate in an election as late as 8 p.m. on Election Day without having to attest that they have been a resident for any period of time.

With only months to go, it’s still an open question whether America will have a free and fair election this year, writes Center Square in a promotional piece seeking contributions. “This rule change in Washington state – made without the say of voters or their elected representatives – could allow numerous illegal immigrants and out-of-state residents to vote, while giving power-hungry officials in other states a playbook to rig elections nationwide.”

They have also reported other incidents. In May 2024, the Illinois legislature gutted a child welfare bill and replaced the contents with changes to ballot eligibility, protecting potentially vulnerable statehouse members from facing tight races.

After less than 24 hours, the bill was pushed through – six weeks after the primary and into the state’s election season process.

Through a series of articles the Center Square detailed the issue for voters, from the first passage in early May through a June 5 court order that stopped party officials from implementing the changes.

Four years ago Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg injected outside money and deployed poll workers across politically targeted states, such as Wisconsin. The stunt became infamously known as “Zuckerbucks.” 

When news of this reached voters, concern grew over the elite’s ability to infiltrate state elections.  

The Center Square’s coverage on this issue raised voters’ awareness and ultimately led to the passage of two constitutional amendments in Wisconsin to keep this kind of money out of the state’s political system. 

As lawmakers in D.C. debate citizenship verification requirements for voting, election officials in states, such as Washington. have already opened the door for illegal voting by foreign nationals.

Last year, The Center Square’s coverage prompted the Washington Secretary of State to consider changes to the voter registration process, highlighting the power of honest, objective journalism. Across two different reports, the Washington state SoS’s office documented how this coverage could:

— “Motivate individuals to call on elected officials to implement citizenship verification procedures for voter registration in Washington State.”

— “Motivate individuals to call for changes to the voter registration process to remove the ability to register to vote when applying for a driver’s license.”

With millions of undocumented migrants pouring over our broken border, can we trust the national news-media elites to gather the facts and tell the story honestly? questions Center Square in their appeal for support.

In March 2023, The Center Square delivered a three-part series on election integrity. The series detailed legislation that would require every Washington state county elections office to give a New York-based nonprofit unfettered digital access. This was the same nonprofit that colluded with state officials during the pandemic-era elections to suppress online speech and was referred to by a federal judge as an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth.”

For more than five years, The Center Square has been the taxpayers’ voice for government accountability, tracking the impact of outside funding on local elections, highlighting when political elites and activists have attempted to stack the deck in their favor, and shining the light on foreign nationals attempting to participate in our election process.

The Center Square is published by Franklin News Foundation.  For more information contact Center Square at 20 N. Clark St., Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60602. Phone: (847) 497-5230. Email:


City Of Billings The |Bauer Construction, 2611 9th Ave N, Com New Other, $450,000

Jehovah’s Witness Billings Co |Charter Real Estate Company (General Contractor), 405 S 36th St W, Com Remodel, $95,000

Mathew Kramer |Wovek Inc, 2914 Millennium Circle, Com Addition, $59,794

Hamilton Richard L & Maria |KB Construction Llc, 109 N 35th St, Com Addition, $30,000

Tuni Rafaele |Bauer Construction, 3225 Rosebud Dr, Com Remodel, $20,000

Advanced Therapy Clinic Daycare, 1701 Avenue E, Com Remodel – Change In Use, $1,000


Kraft Micheal A & Shelley M |Montana Quality Contracting Llc, 3441 Prestwick Rd, Res New Single Family,  $1,100,000

CDH Llc |CDH Llc, 5227 Camp Ln, Res New Single Family, $284,955

HAD Construction |HAD Inc, 953 El Rancho Dr, Res New Single Family, $262,752

McCall Development Inc|McCall Development, 6215 Eva Marie Ln, Res New Single Family, $197,526

McCall Development Inc, 1798 Annafeld Pkwy W, Res New Single Family, $155,252

By Kim Jarrett, The Center Square

Weed killer or possible carcinogen? The attorneys general of Iowa and Nebraska say glyphosate, an ingredient used widely in pesticides, is safe.

But California officials want to label pesticides with glyphosate as carcinogens. Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird and Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers said the state is relying on bad science.

The Environmental Protection Agency has said glyphosate is not a carcinogen, the attorneys general said. They are asking the EPA to ban states from attaching labels contrary to EPA findings.

The agency said in a court finding in a 2019 case that glyphosate was not harmful, the attorneys general, including Montana’s Austin Knudsen, said in their petition.

“The potential that glyphosate is carcinogenic to humans is not something that EPA has ignored. EPA has studied and expressly addressed the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate a number of times over the past three decades,” the petition quotes the U.S. as saying. “And EPA continues to assess it. Through FIFRA (the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act), Congress determined that EPA should make these scientific judgments for the nation as a whole. States may, of course, restrict or prohibit the sale or use of pesticides in the State if they disagree with EPA’s assessment. But States are prohibited from second-guessing EPA’s determination of what risks should be reflected on pesticide labeling.”

California should not “dictate” how farmers in other states farm, the attorneys general said.

“If adopted, our proposed rule would streamline the labeling process, dispel consumer confusion, and ensure that those who help put food on our tables can do their jobs without getting caught up in the red tape of 50 separate states,” Hilgers said. Our proposed rule advances the rule of law and lifts a burden on the farming industry that drives Nebraska’s economy.”

Nebraska and Iowa are considered top agricultural states. The two states have more than 131,000 farms and ranches bombined spanning across nearly 70 million acres, according to a news release. Both states are also top corn producers, yielding more than 4.2 billion bushels last year.

“Farmers are the backbone of the Heartland,” Bird said. “I will not stand by as California ignores science, breaks the law, and dictates how Iowa farmers farm. Glyphosate helps our farmers control weeds and produce higher-yielding crops to feed our families.”

Glyphosate kills more than 300 weeds. Kevin Ross, an Iowa farmer and former president of the National Corn Growers Association said there is nothing else more effective.

“Do your job in D.C. and let the farmers on the ground do their jobs in the U.S.,” Ross said.

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Carolina and South Dakota also signed the petition.

Stockman Bank has announced the conversion of Rocky Mountain Bank branches located in Kalispell, Bigfork and Plains to Stockman is complete. Systems were converted and building signage was replaced over the weekend, with the bank doors opening as Stockman on July 22, 2024.

“We are excited to welcome Rocky Mountain Bank’s employees and customers to the Stockman family,” said Bill Coffee, CEO of Stockman Bank. “We are a family-owned, Montana community bank committed to serving the financial needs of everyone in our community. We are delighted that all of Rocky Mountain Bank’s employees chose to stay and work with our northwest Montana team. Customers can expect local decisions from people who live and work in their community and are committed to their financial success.”

Coffee says there are many moving parts when converting a bank. He encourages customers who have questions or need assistance to stop by their local Stockman branch. Customers can also visit Stockman’s website,, for product and service information, as well as conversion-dedicated customer support contact information.  

Governor Greg Gianforte recently raised the alarm about a proposed federal rule which could have a “catastrophic” impact on firefighting in the state.

In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) proposed replacing the existing “Fire Brigade Standard” with the new “Emergency Response” standard, unprecedentedly expanding the agency’s role over firefighters.

In a press release, Gov. Greg Gianforte said he is standing with Montana firefighters in opposition to the proposed rule change. He said it could have a “catastrophic” impact on firefighting in the state.

In a letter to a senior official at the U.S. Department of Labor, Gov. Gianforte cautioned that a newly proposed federal regulation from OSHA could undermine wildland firefighting and harm the effectiveness of volunteer fire departments across Montana and the nation.

The governor expressed appreciation for OSHA’s “good intentions” in aiming to improve firefighter safety, but he highlighted the “unintended consequences” of the rule. Regarding the proposed rule’s impact on wildland firefighting, the governor warned of OSHA’s “bureaucratic creep” and that “OSHA is stretching its long arms into something with which it has no historical experience and expertise.”

At a recent meeting with volunteer firefighters in Conrad, the governor heard directly about the issues impacting the firefighting community, including OSHA’s proposed rule. Highlighting the meeting in the letter to Deputy Assistant Labor Secretary James Frederick, the governor wrote that “the topic of OSHA’s proposed rule dominated the conversation.”

He continued, “Those volunteer public servants are concerned, as am I, about the impact the proposed rule could have on them and their continued viability in their community.”

Citing OSHA’s estimate that the new rule could cost a volunteer fire department more than $14,000 per year, Gov. Gianforte cautioned that OSHA’s proposed rule includes “a price tag too many of our volunteer fire departments cannot afford to bear, and I fear, facing those high costs of compliance, they may not be able to operate fully and serve their community.”

Gov. Gianforte’s letter to Deputy Assistant Secretary Frederick included public comments on the proposed rule from Department of Natural Resources Director Amanda Kaster and Department of Labor & Industry Commissioner Sarah Swanson.

By Evelyn Pyburn

The current news about growth in entrepreneurship and the dynamics of start-up companies should be seen as a very positive turn of events. It’s not that entrepreneurship is a new idea or phenomenon, it’s that a whole new group of people are seeing it and understanding it for the first time and coming to appreciate it in a way they never would let themselves when it is called “Capitalism”.

Some think it’s a new discovery and are sincerely excited. If that is what it takes to get people to understand and embrace free markets and economic freedom, more power to them.

An article about entrepreneurship in New Orleans quoted one entrepreneur as saying, ““The remarkable thing about a startup in New Orleans is that there are two passions at play. It’s really normal for a startup company or a new company to get excited about the mission of the business… But ….this other passion, this other thing . . . is the importance of contributing to the community, that our work was really helping the community, and job by job, hour by hour, rebuilding something.”

“This Other Thing” has always been there, and there has always been a group of advocates trying to explain this beauty of free markets, of Capitalism.

Given that the country has been slipping more toward controlled markets and socialism, free market advocates apparently were not very good at making their argument. Or maybe it is just true that the betterment of mankind is not what some people want, they want power over others – true capitalism does not deliver that. Maybe that is why most political economic development efforts tend to pursue crony-capitalism, rejecting free market avenues.

Entrepreneurship, start-ups, capital investment in new and growing enterprises – no matter what it’s called, has ALWAYS created new products and services that serve the broader public good, created jobs, provided livings, generated new wealth and built the foundation of economies. This has ALWAYS, ALWAYS been true and it is true for every business and productive effort in the private sector no matter its size, purpose or level of success. Even a business failure often contributes to the broader community.

While we can lament that the basics of economics aren’t taught to American students, we should also understand, neither is history. There is no factual presentation of history that could miss the fact that the success, power and wealth of the US are not a matter of happenstance, geography or power of some politician. It is the product of freedom – free enterprise – capitalism – the existence of an environment in which citizens can freely and voluntarily exchange, value for value with each other, to their mutual benefit.

That this is being discovered anew by younger generations who have been taught that electricity is a right and not a luxury, or that milk comes from the grocery store, speaks to the failure of older generations to educate.

The sudden popularity of the dynamics of free enterprise may just be demonstrating the importance of marketing. It turns out that the reality of what happens with the growth of entrepreneurship may not be as persuasive as simple terminology – a fact that others seem to be recognizing.

Dr. Jay Richards explained how free markets achieve all the benefits that socialists commonly claim are their goals, but yet they eschew the most perfect system ever known to deliver those life-affirming benefits. He said that he didn’t like calling this miraculous process, “Capitalism”, because it so poorly relates to what it is. He suggested calling it anything other than Capitalism – free markets or free enterprise.

His point makes sense, because it is true, a rose by any other name smells just as sweet – and what happens in a free market economy — what entrepreneurs achieve — is absolutely sweet.

The University of Montana Medicine Residency Program has received $750,000 to expand its training site. It was one of 15 throughout the country to receive a subsidy to develop new residency programs in rural communities to address the need for physicians in rural communities. The three-year award will support the development of residency training sites in Butte and Helena, in partnership with St. James Hospital and Southwest Community Health Center in Butte and St. Peters Health and PureView Health Center in Helena.

Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (Nemont) has sold its telecom properties in North Dakota to Northwest Communications Cooperative (NCC100%) fiber-to-the-home internet service and communications provider. Communities involved are Williston, Trenton, Fortuna, Ambrose, and East Westby.

Gov. Greg Gianforte declared a disaster in Missoula and Mineral counties following a July 24 thunderstorm storm with high winds that toppled trees and downed power poles in the Missoula area, leaving many residents without power. Wind speeds of 81 mph, lightning, heavy rain, and gusts up to 109 mph – caused damages to power poles across western Montana leaving tens of thousands of customers of Missoula Electric and Northwestern Energy without power. The State of Montana will expend funds from the general fund to meet contingencies and needs arising from these conditions

The U.S. Postal Service abruptly stopped air service in Montana last week even after Alpine Air, its air cargo contractor in the state, offered a roughly $3 million reduction in its contract. Alpine has worked with the Postal Service in Montana for some 35 years. Alpine Air anticipates having to look at layoffs in Montana. It employs 60 people in the state including 20 who have worked on the Postal Service contract. Two-day delivery will have to be obtained from companies other than the United Postal Service.

Puget Sound Energy, a Seattle-area electricity provider has signed a 25-year power purchase agreement with Clearway Energy Group for a 315-megawatt wind farm under development in Wheatland and Meagher counties in Montana. The additional power buy will satisfy about 15% of what the Puget Sound Energy needs to meet Washington’s 2030 clean energy targets. Construction on the wind farm is expected to start in June 2026, and the project is slated to go online in 2028. Puget Sound Energy is als building a wind farm near Rapelje, about an hour west of Billings, that will generate 248 megawatts. The Beaver Creek wind project will help meet Washington’s clean-energy laws. a second phase of the project could add wind turbines in neighboring Sweet Grass County, complete with a a lithium-ion battery energy storage facility.

Bridger Aerospace recently acquired Alabama-based FMS Aerospace in a $20.6 million deal. Sam Davis has become the interim CEO of Belgrade-based Bridger Aerospace.

Montana-Dakota Utilities is requesting that the Montana Public Service Commission approve a natural gas rate increase of $9.4 million in annual revenues, which would increase the average residential customer’s annual bill by 16.4%.

Justin and Kelsey Flake have recently taken on ownership of Sea Me Paddle. The business, under Tour Glacier, also offers a variety of tours in Glacier National Park and winter tours around the Flathead Valley. Since taking over, Justin and Kelsey have found that tourists enjoy the concierge experience and seeing sights as the locals do, so in addition to their outdoor adventures, the Flakes have started offering brewery and rodeo tours. 

The Pickle Barrel is celebrating 50 years as a sandwich and pickles shop. Current owner Jenny O’Brien took over the Bozeman location in 2014. Over the years it has survived changes and even an explosion that caused the business to move to it’s current location, acroos the street from MSU.

Miles City is currently attempting to remedy a budget shortfall of over $700,000 for Fiscal Year 2025. The preliminary budget information is warning officials to expect steep cuts to personnel and services that will likely need to be made to balance the budget. One update was delivered by Mayor Dwayne Andrews announcing that following a conversation with union leaders representing the city employees, the unions are willing to re-negotiate contracts to find a way to minimize the damage as much as possible.

The Interim Transportation Committee of the Montana Legislature recently heard an update regarding cost estimates of the Federal Rail Administration’s Long-Distance Service Study for restoring passenger rail service across southern Montana. People associated with Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority presented updates to the Committee. The mission and goal are of seeing passenger rail service along the North Coast Hiawatha route restored to service southern Montana. The total estimated cost for restoration and operation of the North Coast Hiawatha route is approximately $3.9 billion.

Last week film crews from America’s Best Restaurants will visit Outlaw’s Bar & Grill in Watford City and 3 Amigos Southwest Grill in Williston. The crew will highlight popular dishes and interview the respective owners. The episodes featuring these two restaurants will be aired at a later date on America’s Best Restaurants’ Facebook page and website. America’s Best Restaurants is a national media and marketing company focusing on bringing attention to local, independently owned restaurants.

Connolly’s Nursery in Evergreen opened in April. The Nursery is located at 1654 Montana 35. From yellow to pink to green to white, everything that Connolly grows is made to grow in Montana. The business aims to provide quality plants for the Evergreen community and Northwest Montana in general.

Hunter and Julie Nguyen have officially opened the doors to their nail salon AJ Nails in Evergreen. The couple says they are slowly growing their business after renovating the former restaurant location.