Montana recently welcomed the first member of its own FEMA Integration Team (FIT), Adrianne Michele.

FITs allow FEMA staff to be directly embedded with state emergency management agencies to provide improved coordination and collaboration. In Montana, the FIT will help Montana Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) stay closely connected with FEMA Region VIII in Denver, Colorado.

The Montana team lead is now in place and is the first of what will eventually be a four-member team working in Helena alongside Montana DES staff. The FIT program is an initiative FEMA started last year, the first effort to have staff permanently

co-located working with state partner agencies. 

An Air Force veteran, Michele has a Master’s Degree in Emergency Management and a passion for disaster planning and response.

In addition to three deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, she worked for several years integrating planning efforts between North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command.  She also has education and experience as a news photographer and editor.

The makeup of each FIT team is determined through discussions between FEMA and individual states, and varies according to local needs.  The Montana team, which is expected to be in place by late summer, will include specialists in preparedness, recovery and emergency communications.

“We were able to identify these areas as being especially helpful for Montana,” said Delila Bruno, Director of Montana Disaster and Emergency Services. “Having FIT members here with their boots on the ground will increase our capacity to help Montanans not only prepare for disasters, but recover when they happen, making our partnership with FEMA even stronger.”

 “By putting skilled, knowledgeable personnel with our partners in Montana, we can help build a culture of preparedness and support Montana emergency management before, during, and after disasters,” said Lee K. dePalo, Regional Administrator for FEMA Region VIII. “The FEMA Integration Team helps FEMA and Montana DES to plan, train, and respond to incidents together.”

FEMA Integration Teams are currently in the second stage of rollout and Montana is the 19th state to receive a FIT. The program will be implemented to states by 2020.

Four new businesses will be locating in Rimrock Mall – a brewery offering two food concepts, a men’s clothing store, a tattoo studio, and an art academy.

The businesses are following a trend at Rimrock Mall, 300 S. 24th St. W. in Billings, of being a community destination and hub, said Daron Olson, marketing director of Rimrock Mall, at a press conference where the newcomers were announced. Rimrock Mall is “now a place to ‘do’ rather than simply a place to ‘shop.’”

Brewery, Celebrity Music and Food

Freefall Brewery will occupy a long-vacant space, bringing with it one of the state’s largest tasting rooms and two food concepts: Audrey’s Pizza and FinnBrooks Monster Subs by Freefall Brewery. 

Opening this fall, Freefall Brewery is owned by Steve Schlegel, a songwriter and musician with deep roots in the rock and country music scenes. Schlegel has worked with ZZ Top, Van Halen, REO Speedwagon, Huey Lewis and Bryan Adam as well as Garth Brooks and Keith Urban.  He will also tap his connections in the music industry to perform in Freefall Brewery’s musical area.

“Some of my closest friends play with Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire and Keith Urban,” Schlegel said. “You can count on seeing and meeting those band members in person at Freefall.”

The brewery will provide area residents with one of the largest tasting rooms in Montana and showcase beer brewed without harmful chemicals including chlorine that can affect the beer’s taste. 

“Around Billings, people like a crisp, fresh beer without the aftertaste,” Schlegel said. “We know it will be very popular among the microbrew fans as well as the traditional beer drinkers and we’re excited to bring music and great food to the area to go along with our excellent beer.”

Freefall will be joined in its new location by Audrey’s Pizza, which Schlegel purchased after Audrey Anderson retired. FinnBrooks Monster Subs by Freefall Brewery will also be located next door.

Singing, Dancing and Theater 

For 42 years, CDS Performing Arts Academy (opening in June in a temporary space, then moving to a permanent space in July) has educated area students in singing, dancing and theater. CDS students have gone on to earn their Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees, work in the dance and theater industry and appear in world tours of “The Beauty and The Beast” musical and on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.”

Now owned by Samantha and Danny Sandefur, CDS also includes a black-box theater in which theater program students will regularly stage plays. 

“We are excited to be a part of Rimrock Mall’s vision to bring more entertainment businesses, restaurants and shopping to families of Billings and surrounding areas,” said Samantha Sandefur. “CDS is very excited to be a part of the Rimrock Mall community with the mall’s new direction in family activities.”

Menswear in the Mall

Mainstreet Menswear opens later this summer in the former White House | Black Market space. The high-end clothing store for men, owned by Steve Johnson, will carry men’s formal and casual wear, whether dressing for a wedding, job interview or night out. The new space will have a graciously masculine décor, with shiplap paneling and a rustic color palette. 

Shockwave Tattoo 

Shockwave Tattoo will open a new space next to Dillard’s offering customized, one-of-a-kind, artistically crafted tattoos.  Shockwave is founded by local award winning tattoo artist Jason  “Ox” Radtke and his wife Tara Radtke, who have been in the business for more than 20 years. In addition to offering customized, hand-drawn tattoos, Shockwave will sell “shopshirts” and sweatshirts that can be customized to match an individual’s tattoo.  In addition, the store will sell the Shockwave brand of  eye and lip liner.

U.S. Worker Production Dwarfs Most Countries – big time!

By Bethany Blankley, The Center Square

American workers out-produce workers worldwide, a fact that is readily reflected in gross domestic product (GDP) numbers.

The U.S. GDP is more than $21 trillion, dwarfing the economies of most other countries in the world. China’s GDP hovers over $14 trillion; Japan’s over $5 trillion.

The U.S. is neither the largest country by land mass nor population (4.4 percent of the world’s population) yet its GDP represents 24.2 percent of the global GDP.

“That’s a testament to the superior, world-class productivity of the American worker,” says Mark J. Perry, professor of finance and business economics at the University of Michigan-Flint and scholar at The American Enterprise Institute.

Most Americans can’t appreciate or comprehend how large these GDPs are, explains Mark J. Perry, professor of finance and business economics at the University of Michigan-Flint and scholar at The American Enterprise Institute. That’s why he creates a map every year comparing economies of states to countries to “help people understand how enormously large the U.S. economy is,” he told The Center Square.

Four states, California, Texas, New York and Florida, produced more than $1 trillion in output. If they were each countries, they would have ranked in the world’s 16 largest economies in 2018.

California’s GDP was greater than the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (U.K.); Texas’ was larger than Canada’s; New York’s was larger than Russia’s, and Florida’s is comparable to Indonesia’s.

Combined, they produced nearly $7.5 trillion in economic output in 2018, which would be the third-largest economy in the world.

GDP broadly measures a nation’s overall economic activity, representing the monetary value of all completed goods and services produced in that country within a specific time period. GDPs are calculated annually and quarterly.

Samuel Stebbins and Grant Suneson at the financial website 24/7 Wall St. point out that the majority of U.S. states are smaller in both population and landmass than their GDP comparable-countries. They also compared state GDPs to countries in a similar report to Perry’s.

Because U.S. states have far more developed economies, their GDPs per capita are higher, they note. U.S. consumer spending and highly developed industries backed by advanced technology also contribute to states’ economic advantages over their country counterparts.

Perry’s analysis compares the nominal GDP of each state and the District of Columbia to the nominal GDP of a country over the same time period based on Bureau of Economic Analysis and International Monetary Fund data.

The state with the greatest GDP is California.

With $3 trillion worth of economic output in 2018, California as a country would have been the 5th largest economy in the world, greater than the UK’s $2.81 trillion, France’s $2.79 trillion, and India’s $2.61 trillion worth of economic output.

California’s economic output is greater despite the U.K.’s labor force being nearly double. Perry argues the U.K. would need a 75 percent larger labor force of 14.5 million more people to produce the same economic output last year as California.

The second largest state economy and the world’s 10th largest economy last year was Texas’ $1.8 trillion worth of economic output. The Lone Star’s GDP was slightly greater than Canada’s $1.71 trillion GDP. In order for Canada to produce the same amount as Texas, it would need 6.2 million more workers, Perry notes.

Despite California’s output, California leads the nation in out-migration, and more of its residents are leaving for Texas. It costs more to leave California for Texas than it does to leave Texas for California, Perry found.

“There is a huge premium for trucks leaving California for Texas and a huge discount for trucks leaving Texas for California,” he says.

A one-way truck rental from Los Angeles to Houston costs $3,965; from Houston to Los Angeles, $967. A one-way truck rental from San Francisco to Dallas costs $4,275; from Dallas to San Francisco, $1,282.

U-Haul’s one-way truck rental rates are market-based, he argues, which is why truck shortages in California increase costs. There are also more trucks in Texas and there is a relatively low demand to go to California from Texas.

In the same analysis conducted in 2016, the ratios for the same matched cities were much smaller, 2.2 to 2.4 to 1, which he says suggests that “the outbound migration from California to Texas as reflected in one-way U-Haul truck rental rates must have accelerated over the last three years.”

The third and fourth largest GDPs were New York and Florida, respectively.

Pennsylvania’s GDP of $788 billion and Illinois’ GDP of $864 billion were greater than oil rich Saudi Arabia’s $782 billion.

Officials from The City of Billings, fund raisers, media and dog lovers gathered last week at the corner of 32nd Street and St. John’s Avenue for a ground breaking for a new city park that will cater especially to dogs. It will be the first regional park developed by the city in 38 years, pointed out Mayor Bill Cole, in his comments.

The park will be built in phases. The City Council was convinced by supporters to direct $2.46 million in this year’s budget to developing the first phase of the 23 acres that was designated to be a park in 2015. Grading of the site has already begun. The first phase includes installation of an automated irrigation system and sidewalks and hyro-seeding of grass. First Mark is doing the construction.

Centennial Park has taken awhile to happen because, while the City imposed the creation of a dedicated park mill levy, as Mayor Cole noted, many of those funds over the past years were directed to public safety.

The last large, regional park built by the city was Castle Rock Park in 1982, although Amend Park, a multi-use soccer complex, was launched in 1992 and built through private donations on city-owned land.

Centennial Park will have a designated area especially for dogs, which will include a fence, the $80,000 cost for which has been pledged by Friends of Billings Dog Parks. The contribution will also include the cost of special drinking fountains.

Evelyn Pyburn, Editor

Our governor made a comment recently in regard to the announced closure of Colstrip Units 1 & 2 that deserves to be scrutinized.

Gov. Steve Bullock said, “Markets and consumer preferences continue to move away from coal, yet this news comes quicker than anticipated. Today our priority is taking care of workers and their families who will be impacted by these closures.”

It’s a very typical political statement. Kind of shallow and hollow. But in examining it closely, it isn’t as benign as the Governor probably hoped it would sound – for two reasons. One, it continues to propagate a myth that the Left loves and has down pat; and two, it is an insult to every working person who wants to earn their way in this world.

To hear our Governor even mention “markets” is a first, and that alone should raise an eyebrow. But his official comment is a slight of hand — or of words – aimed at diverting attention to what has really happened and the role he has played. Now that the destruction of their manipulations are strewn before us, he wants to change the subject.

It’s a strategy that the Left and other statists have used to some success in the past. Every time an industry or business fails because of political policies and regulations and legal attacks — once the piling-on of those obstacles succeeds in bringing it down, the ant1s-business politicians, environmentalists and statists suddenly discover “markets,” and claim that it’s nothing more than the free market at work — and we are all supposed to be dumb enough to believe it.

Are we to forget President Obama’s “war on coal?”  Are we to forget the many years in which they have done everything they could to circumvent the market? Are we to forget witnessing consumer choice being displaced by political gangs swinging the biggest clubs possible to change the direction of markets?

We heard the same claim when they finally brought the Corette plant in Billings to its knees. Immediately the pundits started declaring, its closure had nothing to do with the regulations that were piled upon it! It was “market forces”, said its tormentors, as we watched dozens of people leave their jobs for the last time, and company owners dismantle what had once been a thriving, taxpaying business in Billings.

The first time, I became aware of this propaganda tactic was back when political forces destroyed Montana’s timber industry in the name of the Spotted Owl. The attacks on timber were loud, vociferous and at times violent, for several years; but as soon as timber mills began to close, the mantra became “it is nothing more than the market at work” – even as timber imports from Canada were booming.

One has to really wonder why the Governor and so many others who worked so hard to impose their will, are so reluctant to claim victory. Why aren’t they celebrating and shouting about their success, rather than muttering and mumbling about “markets” and shuffling on to their next target?

In a sense, their claim about markets is correct. The market is looking at the political policies being imposed and declaring “this is stupid!” What that looks like in “the market” is investors fleeing the field and finding less risky places to put their money. That is indeed the market speaking, but that isn’t to say there has been a free market at play. This is exactly the dynamics of controlled markets. It is exactly how markets are destroyed in socialist regimes.

The insult that comes from the Governor is the idea that all those losing their jobs and livelihoods, will now be taken care of by government. Even this lament is not original. Hillary Clinton made the same condescending offer to the coal miners of West Virginia, when she told them not to worry there were government programs that would take care of them.

A few years ago, a Crow tribal leader voiced his indignation during an energy summit in Billings, about having been told the same thing when he went to Washington DC to beg the politicians to back off the “War on Coal,” because of what it would do to his tribe’s coal business and their jobs. Government welfare programs, he said, is not what they wanted – and he, too, was insulted at their words.

Model T aficionados will be descending on Billings with their antique cars, arriving from all over the country and Canada. Members of the Rimrock Model T Chapter of Billings hope their visit will prompt a bigger event from the National Model T Club of America, according to Chapter Chairman Steve Shelton.

The group will be in Billings on July 16 -21. The city will be a hub for tours of the area which will include visits to Pompeys Pillar, Big Horn Battlefield, a swing through Columbus and Red Lodge, and a “back roads” tour. They will be visiting the Huntley Project Museum and the Yellowstone County Museum.

The Ford Model T, the first affordable automobile for middle-class America, was produced by Ford Motor Company from October 1, 1908, to May 26, 1927.  The automobile was made affordable through Ford’s innovation of assembly line production.

As of last week, the group had 50 antique cars “signed up,” according to Shelton. Most car owners are expected to transport their vehicle to Billings and then drive them on their tours. A couple, however, plan to drive their vehicles, said Shelton.

Shelton said that attendees of the event will have an influence on future site selections for larger gatherings, and if they have a good time and find the community welcoming, Billings could be chosen as a site for another event.

Shelton was joined by a couple other Rimrock Model T Chapter members last week to ask for a contribution to help the club host the event, from County Commissioners. The commissioners suggested that they ask the Billings’ Chamber of Commerce’s Visit Billings for support, since to support and encourage such visitations is their purpose. The club members said they received a $1500 contribution from Visit Billings, but  are in need of more.

Commissioners indicated that they would discuss making a contribution, probably from PILT funds, but noted that making those kinds of contributions is problematic for them because it pushes the boundaries of the appropriateness of using taxpayer dollars, and creates a quandary as to how to decide what public interests to support since they cannot support all of the requests that will surely come.

Printing For Less, a large employer for Livingston and surrounding areas, will unveil its new production and warehouse space by mid-July. The addition will bring the total facility square footage to 101,000. The expansion is funded by a Goldman Sachs capital investment for $25 million. PFL has grown into being a print shop, marketing technology company and e-commerce provider.

McKenzie County, North Dakota has surpassed all other oil producing counties in the nation to take the No. 1 spot, with 17.88 million barrels of oil produced in January 2019. The amount pumped surpassed  the No. 2 producer, Lea County, New Mexico, which had 14.6 million barrels per month, and the No. 3, Weld County, Colorado, which had 13.7 million barrels per month. It also beat out Midland County, Texas, which produced 12.5 million barrels of oil per month in January 2019.

The operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline is planning to nearly double its capacity, to a point where it could transport nearly all of the daily oil production of the nation’s No. 2 producer. The plans include new pumping stations in three states. Energy Transfer Partners informed North Dakota regulators that it plans to expand the pipeline capacity from more than 500,000 barrels per day to as much as 1.1 million barrels. North Dakota produced 1.39 million barrels of oil per day in April. The record was 1.4 million barrels per day in January.

According to a nationwide report, 2019 Kids Count Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation — 63% of eighth-graders in Montana were not proficient in math in 2017 — a 7% jump from 2009 when 56% of the state’s eighth-graders fell below proficiency benchmarks. Montana did slightly better than the national average of 67% of students who didn’t meet eighth-grade math proficiency in 2017. According to the Montana Office of Public Instruction’s 2017-2018 state report card, about 59% of all students statewide are not proficient in math. The achievement gap is even greater for Native American students — 86% of whom are not proficient in math.

Triangle Communications will be expanding its wireless internet services in Havre, over the next several months. The expansion will provide additional capacity and increased speeds. The project is to be completed by fall.. Triangle provides services including broadband internet, local, long distance, and mobile telephone service to Montana residents. It has more than 17,000 subscribers in parts of 16 counties from the Canadian to the Wyoming border.

Sale prices were up in May for The Gallatin area real estate market according to statistics from the Gallatin Association of Realtors. Median sale prices were up in May 2019 compared to the same period last year, and sellers received over 98% of their list price in both the single family and condo/townhouse markets. The median sales price increased 3.1%, rising from $407,250 in May 2018 to $420,000 last month. The number of units sold increased from 154 in May 2018 to 176 this May, a 14.3% increase, and pending sales are up 26 percent, rising from 146 last May to 184 this year. The average number of days on market was 64, up from 51 last May, and the months supply of inventory decreased 20%, from 3.5 to 2.8. Sellers received 98.3% of their list price in May 2019, down from 99% in 2018.

Despite broad public opposition, Clenera LLC is set to build the largest solar plant in Montana near Dillon, which would generate 120 megawatts of power. The proposed $150 million solar involves a 1,306-acre solar farm, which got its lease with the Department of Natural Resource and Conservation or 1,306 approved by the state Land Board. Idaho-based Clenera LLC, is expected to generate $19 million in taxes over 35 years to Beaverhead County and $1.29 million to the state trust. The initial 15 years would create $480,000 a year in lease payments to the state trust. Additional steps in the process, include reaching a contractual agreement with NorthWestern Energy and getting permits.

In Bozeman, the Montana Raptor Conservation Center is preparing to open a brand new wing of its facility. The Mews Education Center is a newly built, 1,800 square-foot building that will house up to ten of the center’s educational birds. The new addition, which was funded by grants and community donations, will provide more up-close-and-personal experiences with the educational raptors who are permanently housed at the center.

Montana Manufacturing Extension Center’s Senior Business Advisor Bill Nicholson will be leaving MMEC after 14 years to join a MMEC client, Timberline Tool.  MMEC welcomes two new Business Advisors for Central and Eastern Montana, Doug Roberts, who will be based in Great Falls, and Sheri Bartz who will be based in Billings.

Lewistown’s Snowy Mountain Development Corporation will receive $400,000 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the agency’s disbursement of $9.3 million in supplemental funding for 24 current Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) grantees. The supplemental funds are going to communities that have demonstrated success in using their RLF funds to clean up and redevelop brownfield sites. The funds will be used to continue their progress in reusing vacant and abandoned properties for development such as housing, recreation and open space, health facilities, etc. The recipients of the funding may offer low-interest loans and sub-grants to carry out cleanup activities at brownfields sites.

Acadia Montana in Butte has closed terminating more than a hundred jobs. It has been reported, however, that other companies are hiring those employees – companies like FCR or Montana Precision. FCR is an Oregon-based call center that will open July 12 in the former JC Penney store at the Butte Plaza Mall. FCR has already hired 120 employees and expects to hire more – eventually over 400 employees.

Leadership Montana announced the graduation of 44 community, business, education, healthcare, nonprofit and government leaders from across the state for the Class of 2019 of its flagship leadership program. Leadership Montana presents an annual seven session program of leadership development, education about issues facing Montana today, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.  This year’s class visited Big Sky, Phillipsburg, Butte, Hamilton, Missoula, Helena, White Sulphur Springs, Great Falls, Glasgow and Billings.

By Jenna McKinney, Montana Petroleum Association

 The Montana Petroleum Association (MPA) applauds the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel that recently ruled the injunction put in place last fall by U.S. District Court Judge Brian Morris is no longer in effect. This decision comes shortly after the Trump administration issued a new Presidential Permit on March 29, 2019. The new permit supersedes the previous permit and allows TransCanada to now continue construction of the Keystone XL pipeline project.

The continued delays of the Keystone XL pipeline project have gone on since the first Presidential Permit was issued in 2008. In Montana the four year permitting process resulted in a Major Facilities Siting Act permit in 2012, seven years ago. The initial hold ups were due to standard protocols for Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) and determining the most advantageous route for the pipeline to go from Canada to Houston, TX. The subsequent delays and court appeals have become a battle ground for political gamesmanship and conflicting ideologies. The Keystone XL pipeline project is one example of how political posturing has harmed our economy by stifling employment and slowing reasonable access to markets. With a projected $3.4 billion added to the U.S. GDP, and the creation of tens of thousands of jobs, isn’t it time for the Keystone XL to be built?

Montana Petroleum Association Executive Director, Alan Olson responded to the news with, “Oil and gas development and industry growth means significant job opportunities for Montanans, it means energy independence for America, and provides responsible, safe, and efficient transportation for the oil and gas industry.  We appreciate the Trump Administration’s support of Keystone XL pipeline and the Oil and Gas industry.”

ROI Solutions, headquartered in Utah, has selected Billings as a location to expand their company. Roi is a professional call service that provides businesses with a range of services, tech support, customer service, 24-hour answering, telemarketing, and order-taking.

ROI Solutions has opened in the Petro-Lewis building which provides them the space they need to grow. 

Currently, they have 40 employees and expect to grow to 60 by the end of summer with the potential to hit 100 by fall. The company focuses on providing customer support for a variety of brands including Men’s Warehouse, Visa, and Briggs & Stratton.

Company CEO, Rob Schow said, “We were looking for a market that offered a quality workforce, that was easy for us to visit, and where one of our team leaders from Utah would want to live, and Billings made the short list.”

Since 2008, ROI has been owned and operated in the U.S., supporting hundreds of jobs.

“We have been very pleased with the workforce here in Billings and are finding the quality to exceed what we experience in Utah” said Jesse Ross, ROI’s Senior Management at the Billings location. The company’s two Utah locations employ a total of 600 people with another 300 employees in their Philippine location and two smaller locations in Central America and Europe which allow them to service companies in over 27 languages.

During his research on various communities, Schow contacted  Allison Corbyn, Director of New Business Recruitment at Big Sky Economic Development.

“Allison, with Big Sky Economic Development was great to work with.  She made it so much easier to evaluate Billings as a possible market for growing our business.  With the data and assistance they provided we quickly knew Billings was a location where we wanted to be.  We thank Allison, and her team for all they did.”

Corbyn said, “Talking with Rob, it was clear that this could be a great fit for ROI Solutions, and a win for our community. After visiting their Utah location, I got to see first-hand the great company culture and growth opportunities employees would have with this company here in Billings.”

St. Vincent Healthcare is proposing to open a clinic in Lockwood on the Lockwood School compound. They hope to be able to open at the same time as Lockwood’s new high school is opened, which would be the fall of 2020.

St. Vincent’s is considering building a $9 million, 12,000 square foot facility, on the Lockwood School compound that would provide walk-in services, multiple primary care physicians, and a pharmacy including drive-thru, according to Lockwood School Superintendent Tobin Novasio in reporting to school trustees.

Novasio said that discussion is on-going and that St. Vincent’s Healthcare’s “commitment to Lockwood has been refreshing.”

Novasio said that preliminarily the school is considering leasing the land to a developer who would build to-suit for St. Vincent’s Healthcare, which would then lease the facility from the developer. Under state law the school is permitted to lease property.

Novasio said that they have met with Matt Robertson of NAI Business Properties and have asked him to develop a Request For Qualifications for interested developers.

St. Vincent’s has been operating a mobile facility on the Lockwood school grounds to provide services to school children as well as the community as a whole.