After 16 and a half years of dedicated service, Steve Arveschoug, Executive Director of Big Sky Economic Development (BSED) has announced his retirement, effective April 2025. Steve has served as the BSED Executive Director since 2008, leading the organization in its mission to strengthen and grow Yellowstone County’s economy and quality of life.

In preparation for this leadership transition, Steve has worked closely with the BSED Board of Directors to roll out an organizational succession plan. The Board approved the leadership transition plan at last week’s board meeting. They have formed a search committee and hired Jorgenson Pace, a national executive search firm, to lead the search for a new Executive Director of Big Sky Economic Development. The search process will begin with key stakeholder dialogues involving the BSED team, key civic and business leaders, and community partners.

“It has been an honor to work with Steve for many years to serve this community.  While it will be bittersweet for us who will miss his leadership, we are optimistic as a board as we look to transition smoothly into our next phase and continue to build and expand on the work that has been done,” said BSED Economic Development Corporation Board Chair, Andrew Gott, First Interstate Bank.

BSED’s Economic Development Authority Board Chair, Riley Bennett, Dick Anderson Construction said, “All organizations undergo changes in leadership from time to time. Big Sky Economic Development has been very fortunate to have Steve Arveschoug’s vision and guidance for the past 16 years. He and his leadership will be greatly missed. Steve has planned diligently for his succession and prepared the organization for this inevitable transition. The Big Sky EDA/EDC board is dedicated to recruiting and hiring the next Executive Director for Big Sky Economic Development. We are confident that the organization and its team will look to the future and not only manage this change but strengthen the organization and its mission through this new leadership opportunity.” 

“I look forward to supporting a great leadership transition for Big Sky Economic Development. We have an outstanding team in place and a strong board. The future is bright for BSED and its role as the community’s economic development organization. It has been my honor to be a part of this team and mission. I am indeed blessed by this experience.” – Steve Arveschoug, Executive Director, Big Sky Economic Development.

Joe Mahon, Director, Regional Outreach Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

After turning south in 2023, agricultural producers in the Ninth District saw their earnings decline further through the middle of 2024, according to results from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis’ second-quarter agricultural credit conditions survey.

Farm incomes decreased broadly from April through June relative to a year earlier, according to the survey, which was conducted during July. Spending on capital equipment also dropped, while farm household purchases increased.

Even as interest rates ticked up, falling incomes boosted loan demand, while the rate of loan repayment dipped slightly, and renewal and extension activity rose. Farmland values rose further, while cash rents also increased. Survey respondents predicted the third quarter will bring further declines in income, though they expect overall financial conditions to hold up better.

“Continued high input costs with lower commodity prices will result in decreased liquidity in many operations,” said a Minnesota banker. Many of their peers agreed, as 85 percent of lenders reported that borrower liquidity had decreased in the past three months from the same period a year earlier.

Farm incomes and spending also decreased due to weaker crop prices. More than 75 percent of district lenders surveyed reported that farm incomes decreased in the second quarter of 2024 from the same period in 2023, compared with only 11 percent who reported increased incomes. Nearly half reported that capital spending decreased. In contrast, spending by farm households increased on balance, as 40 percent of survey respondents saw an increase compared with 15 percent who reported decreases.

Owing to a prolonged decline in incomes and elevated operating costs, demand for credit increased in the second quarter, according to lenders. Nearly half of respondents indicated that loan demand increased relative to a year earlier, compared with 1 in 5 who reported lower demand. Collateral requirements were unchanged according to a strong majority of lenders surveyed—87 percent—though the remainder reported that they increased. Average fixed and variable rates on operating, machinery, and real estate loans all increased slightly in the second quarter.

“We have completed our renewal season and for the most part our customers had a good year,” commented a South Dakota lender. Loan renewals generally increased across the district, while the rate of repayment on agricultural loans decreased on balance, reflecting overall stability in farm finances. Nearly a third of lenders stated that the number of renewals increased from a year ago, with almost all of the remainder reporting that renewal activity was unchanged. About 1 in 5 respondents reported that the rate of loan repayment fell from a year earlier, while only 5 percent said that repayment rates increased. None of the bankers responding to the survey reported having refused a loan due to a shortage of funds.

Continuing a four-year trend, land values and cash rents grew further in the second quarter. Ninth District nonirrigated cropland values increased by 3 percent on average from the second quarter of 2023. Irrigated cropland values rose by more than 13 percent from a year earlier, while ranch- and pastureland values increased to just under 13 percent. The district average cash rent for nonirrigated land jumped by less than 1 percent from a year ago. Ranchland rents increased by 11 percent, while cash rents for irrigated land fell by almost 3 percent. Changes in land values and rents were somewhat mixed across district states, with the highest rates of increase in Wisconsin and North Dakota, while values fell in South Dakota.

A comment from a Minnesota lender captured the pessimistic sentiment for the sector: “With declining grain prices and a poor crop in the field 2024 is shaping up to be a below average year!”

Over the next few months, survey respondents said they expect further downward momentum in incomes. Across the district, 78 percent of lenders expect that farm income will decline in the third quarter of 2024, compared with 7 percent who forecast increases. The outlook for capital spending was also negative, while expectations for household spending were flat. Lenders predicted that loan demand will grow on balance in the upcoming quarter, with half of respondents expecting increases and 13 percent predicting decreased demand. The outlook for loan repayment was generally stable overall, as 71 percent of respondents reported they expect no change in repayment rates; however 22 percent forecast repayment rates to decrease. Almost all respondents were not planning any change in collateral requirements for borrowers.

Economic development leaders in Yellowstone County and members of the Lockwood Targeted Economic Development District (TEDD) were excited this week to be informed by the federal Department of Economic Development Administration that they have been awarded a $4.6 million grant for water and sewer infrastructure improvements.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said the grant will support business development and disaster resiliency in the region. This grant will provide critical water and sewer infrastructure to the Lockwood TEDD to spur economic development.

The grant will fund a $5.3 million project that will extend water and sewer service under Interstate 90 in conjunction with the Johnson Lane Interchange reconstruction, allowing easier connection for development in the area.

Woody Woods, Chairman of the Lockwood TEDD, said “We have been trying to get something accomplished to get utilities for seven years.”

They applied for what they hoped would be a $2 million grant. Needless to say, to be informed that they would actually be awarded $4.6 million was most welcome news.

The EDA investment will be matched with $1.1 million from the property owners within the TEDD.

The Lockwood TEDD was created by the Yellowstone County Commissioners in 2016 to foster secondary, value-adding manufacturing in the region, creating good paying jobs and a stronger tax base.

The TEDD allows for the use of tax increment financing to help offset the cost of public infrastructure that serves the district.

“We are grateful to the Economic Development Administration for this grant and the tremendous opportunity it provides,” said Yellowstone County Commissioner John Ostlund. “Yellowstone County and our partners at Big Sky Economic Development and Lockwood Water & Sewer District now have the means to implement the critical infrastructure needed to begin additional planned development in this emerging area.”

“This EDA investment will ensure that Yellowstone County has the infrastructure needed to attract new businesses in critical industries and create good-paying jobs in the region.” said Secretary Raimondo.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and External Affairs Cristina Killingsworth added, “This project will provide the foundation for Yellowstone Country to encourage industrial and manufacturing business development and increase disaster resiliency for the region.”

Woods said that the TEDD would be sharing a casing under the interstate highway with Lockwood Water and Sewer District (LWSD) through which water and sewer lines will be “threaded” to serve not only properties in the TEDD but other properties along the frontage road as they want to connect for services with LWSD. LWSD will pick up costs associated with a pump station and a force main.

LWSD will oversee the project. Woods said that now that they have received news about the grant, he thinks LWSD will issue a request for bids next month, and the hope is to be able to begin construction in the spring.

This project was made possible by regional planning efforts led by Beartooth Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc. (Beartooth RC&D). Beartooth RC&D brings together the public and private sectors to create an economic development roadmap to strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment and create jobs.

The funds were made available under the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023, which provided EDA with $483 million in additional Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) Program funds for disaster relief and recovery for areas that received a major disaster declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Act as a result of wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters occurring in calendar years 2021 and 2022.

Yellowstone County established the Lockwood Targeted Economic Development District (TEDD) to help foster planned, ready-to-go industrial space. Located just east of Billings, the area offers over 1200 acres of land along the BNSF railroad and with easy access to the highway system from the Billings Bypass (currently under construction).

By Scott Lincicome,

Cato Institute,

In North Carolina, Kamala Harris called for a new federal law to ban “price gouging on food.” Such a law might be popular, but it would have, at best, no impact on grocery prices and might even make the problem worse. That’s especially unfortunate because it distracts from all the federal policy changes that actually could reduce food prices.

The evidence that price gouging was responsible for the post-pandemic spike in food prices is somewhere between thin and nonexistent. A recent report from the New York Federal Reserve found that retail food inflation was mainly driven by “much higher food commodity prices and large increases in wages for grocery store workers,” while profits at grocers and food manufacturers “haven’t been important.” Similarly, a 2023 report from the Kansas City Fed observed that rising food prices were overwhelmingly concentrated in processed foods, the prices of which are more sensitive to (and thus driven by) labor-market tightness and wage increases.

Even if excessive corporate profits had been the cause of higher food costs, a price-gouging ban would do nothing to relieve Americans’ current burdens for the simple reason that food prices long ago stopped rising. From January 2023 to July 2024, the “food at home” portion of the Consumer Price Index increased by just over 1 percent, much less than the overall rate of inflation, and consistent with the long-term, pre-pandemic trend. The U.S. Department of Agriculture adds that the share of consumers’ income spent on groceries, which did tick up during the pandemic, declined last year and remains far below levels seen in previous decades. Did corporate profiteering suddenly just stop?

The real culprit is the host of federal laws and regulations propping up prices to benefit corporate interests.

In reality, the grocery business has always had notoriously thin profit margins. The industry’s average net profit margins were just 1.18 percent in January 2024—ranking 80th of the 96 industries surveyed and lower than the margins the food industry recorded in all but one of the past six years. Even Biden White House economists’ own analyses of grocery-price inflation in both 2023 and 2024 downplayed corporate profiteering when discussing recent price trends and what’s behind them.

Inflation is generally a macroeconomic issue, driven by broad monetary and fiscal policies, not the choices of individual corporate actors. Food prices in particular are shaped by volatile forces—weather, geopolitics, natural disasters—beyond government control or influence, which is why economists’ “core inflation” metric omits them. As economics textbooks and centuries of experience teach us, limiting the amount that companies can charge is more likely to reduce supply by discouraging investment and production: a recipe for both shortages and higher, not lower, prices in the long term. The main solution to voters’ grocery angst is simply time, as normal market conditions return and American incomes slowly outpace U.S. food prices.

That fix, of course, is a nonstarter for candidates running for an election just months away and tagged, fairly or not—mostly not—with causing higher grocery prices.

The good news is that an eager White House and Congress, laser-focused on food prices, have plenty of policy reforms available that would give American consumers some relief. The bad news is that they would all involve angering powerful business interest groups, which is why they never actually happen.

Start with trade restrictions. To protect the domestic farming industry from foreign competition, the United States maintains tariffs and “trade remedy” duties on a wide range of foods, including beef, seafood, and healthy produce that can’t be easily grown in most parts of the country: cantaloupes, apricots, spinach, watermelons, carrots, okra, sweet corn, brussels sprouts, and more. Special “tariff-rate quotas” further restrict imports of sugar, dairy products, peanuts and peanut butter, tuna, chocolate, and other foods. These tariffs do what they are designed to do: keep prices artificially high. Sugar, for example, costs about twice as much in the U.S. as it does in the rest of the world. The USDA conservatively estimated in 2021 that the elimination of U.S. agricultural tariffs would benefit American consumers by about $3.5 billion.

In addition to tariffs, regulatory protectionism—against imported products such as tuna, catfish, and biofuel inputs—causes more consumer pain for little health, safety, or environmental gain. The 2022 baby-formula crisis exposed the degree to which Food and Drug Administration regulations effectively wall off the U.S. market from high-demand, safely regulated alternatives made abroad—alternatives that the Biden administration tapped when the crisis hit.

Propping up the domestic food sector is a long-standing American tradition. For dairy products, the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 artificially raises milk, cheese, and other dairy prices, while USDA loans to sugar processors effectively create a price floor for sugar. Produce-marketing orders allow U.S. fruit, nut, and vegetable farmers to limit supply and set rigid inspection rules and other terms of sale that stymie foreign competition and entrepreneurship and further increase domestic prices.

Finally, there’s U.S. biofuel policy. The federal Renewable Fuel Standard, created by Congress in the 2000s, requires a certain amount of biofuels to be blended into transportation fuel. The purpose of this mandate is ostensibly environmental: Burning corn-based ethanol produces lower greenhouse-gas emissions than burning gasoline. But, as a 2022 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded, when the environmental impact of growing and processing the corn is taken into account, ethanol contributes significantly more to climate change. The fuel standard thus has a negative environmental impact even as it significantly increases U.S. corn prices and reduces the land available for other crops. The Congressional Budget Office and other organizations estimate that artificial demand for ethanol has raised Americans’ total food spending by 0.8 to 2 percent. Additional price pressures are likely on the way, if they’re not here already: A 2024 Kansas City Fed analysis estimates that Inflation Reduction Act subsidies for “clean” and plant-based transportation fuels could boost demand for and prices of oilseed crops and vegetable oils.

Our elected officials not only ignore these measures but actively work to add even more.

This reveals a sad reality for American consumers. The federal policies inflating U.S. food prices all result from the same political malady: Each one on its own costs the average person a few cents here and there, but it delivers big and concentrated financial benefits to American cattlemen, shrimpers, farmers, sugar barons, and other powerful groups. As a result of this imbalance, we consumers rationally ignore the policies, while the beneficiaries fiercely lobby to maintain them.

So, when elected officials must choose between modestly reducing Americans’ grocery bills and delivering many millions of dollars’ worth of regulatory goodies to entrenched political benefactors, the choice is simple. Consumers don’t stand a chance.

“Corporate greed” is indeed a problem in the U.S. grocery market. Just not in the way politicians say it is.

Montana Technological University has been awarded $6.5 million from Department of Defense using Defense Production Act (DPA) authorities to create seven online stackable certificates that will grow the workforce needed to boost domestic supply of critical minerals and rare earth elements.

Critical minerals and rare earth elements are necessary for advanced manufacturing of modern technology, but currently they are sourced from foreign countries, creating national defense concerns.

The certificates will upskill the labor force, which has been detrimentally impacted by the loss of accredited educational programs in the U.S. over the past several years. Very few programs that do remain offer remote courses. Students will take courses online in Extractive Metallurgy; Mineral Processing; Mineral Deposit Exploration; Hydrogeology of Mines; Mining Engineering; Mineral Project Management & Evaluation, and Environmental Management for Mining Operations.

Classes will launch in Fall 2025.

The Billings Chamber of Commerce has announced that Taylor Brown is the recipient of the 2024 Legacy Award.

This outstanding community leader and business owner will be honored during the 2024 Billings Chamber Annual Meeting, October 22, at Pub Station, sponsored by NonStop Local and Marsh McLennan Agency.

Taylor Brown is well known in the Billings community, throughout Southeast Montana, and across the state and nation as an ag broadcaster. Raised on the family ranch in Sand Springs, Brown attended college at Montana State University where he earned a degree in agriculture.

He came to the Billings area shortly after graduation, proudly calling Huntley home, and began working for Conrad Burns at Northern Broadcasting System. Brown has built a name for himself as a trusted voice of agriculture and his unwavering commitment to supporting rural communities, ranching, and farms, in Montana and throughout the west.

In 1986, he and his wife Shannon, purchased Northern Broadcasting System, and today, Northern Broadcasting System has grown to encompass digital content, radio, and television delivering agriculture, weather, news, sports, and talk content on over 70 stations in four states.

Son Colter, daughter Courtney Kibblewhite and her husband Jonathan have all joined the management team at NBS, and the company has grown to 20 employees. His passions in agriculture, youth, and business led him to public service, as he was elected to office and served in the Montana Senate from 2009-2016. Brown served as Majority Whip, and chaired the Senate Agriculture Committee, as well as the Senate Education Committee. Through his career, Brown has amassed a number of awards and accolades, including being a past National President of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, inducted as a member of the NAFB Hall of Fame, founding REAL Montana, and receiving an honorary doctorate from Montana State University in 2021. One has to look hard to find someone who is more synonymous with agriculture, youth, business, and advocating for the rural way of life than Brown.

In recent years, he helped establish the Lockwood FFA Alumni Chapter and his efforts in the legislature helped pave the way for Lockwood High School to come into existence. He has been an active member of the Billings Chamber Ag Committee from the start, working on policy, serving pancake breakfasts for youth, volunteering on sub-committees, and bringing newsworthy information to the monthly meetings. “Taylor was one of the founders of the Chamber Ag Committee and has been tireless in his support of this community,” shares one of his nominators. “I cannot think of a person who has given more of themselves in support of Billings, Montana and business”.

The Legacy Award is presented to an individual who has consistently demonstrated success in improving the business and economic climate in addition to the quality of life for residents of Billings over their lifetime. Previous honorees include George Selover, Sam McDonald, Don and Marilyn Floberg, Ron Sexton, Joseph Sample, Michael Schaer, Jim Soft, Tom Scott, Karen Sanford Gall, Bill and Merilyn Ballard, Bruce MacIntyre, Bill and Mary Underriner, Ziggy and Stella Zeigler, Dr. Bob Wilmouth, Kris Carpenter, Jim and Chris Scott, and Mike Nelson.

Brown will be honored during the 2024 Billings Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting on October 22, 2024 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Pub Station. Tickets for this event can be purchased at

Montana’s Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) Commissioner Sarah Swanson issued an upbeat labor report on Labor Day. The report shows employment continues to grow, unemployment remains near record lows, and wage growth over the last year resulted in an increased standard of living for Montana workers.

A significant finding is that Montana ranks 2nd in the nation for fastest wage growth since 2020. Another important fact is that business formation in Montana reached a record high of 23,000 new business in 2023.

Swanson’s report states that while the state continues to face a workforce shortage, with two job openings for every one unemployed person, there are signs that the labor market is beginning to ease. Over 10,000 more Montanans entered the labor market in 2023 – a welcome sign for many businesses who have been struggling to find workers.

Labor market highlights include:

–The Montana labor force reached a record high of over 580,000 people mid-way through 2024. Strong wage growth and a significant uptick in in-migration has helped increase the available pool of workers for Montana businesses.

–Montana ranks 4th in the nation for the highest rate of in-migration since 2020. The state’s population grew by 4.7% from 2020 to 2023 due to in-migration, translating to an additional 51,000 people.

–About 73% of people who recently moved to the state are either employed or actively seeking work, which is higher than the labor force participation rate of existing residents.

–Montana ranks 8th in the nation for fastest employment growth since 2020 – adding over 30,000 jobs through the first half of 2024.

–Employment grew by 1.6% in 2023, translating to 8,700 jobs added.

–Professional services grew fastest among the private sector, adding 1,120 jobs at a growth rate of 4.1%.

–Healthcare added the most jobs in 2023, creating over 2,340 new jobs.

–The average wage earned by Montana workers reached $57,230 in 2023, growing by 5% over the year. Montana ranks 2nd in the nation for fastest wage growth since 2020.

–Real wages grew 0.8% in 2023, the 6th fastest among states. Real wage growth suggests that Montana workers are able to afford more goods and services with their wages than before.

–Professional service workers had the fastest real wage growth of 5.1% in 2023. The average wage reached $94,600, making it the second highest paying industry in Montana after natural resources.

–Tight labor market conditions persisted in 2023, with nearly two job openings for every one unemployed person.

— The state’s aging population and increased retirements have driven long run declines in labor force participation. A total of 330,000 Montanans are not employed or actively seeking work. Most (61%) of these individuals are retired.

The strength of Montana’s labor market helps support economic growth in the state. Record-high business formation propelled economic output to new heights. Continued growth in the Montana economy translated to more income for Montana households. Inflationary pressures eased in 2023, providing some relief to household budgets. Montana workers and businesses drove economic expansion throughout the state.

–Montana’s economic growth of 2.2% in 2023 was an acceleration from the prior year.

— Montana ranks 1st in the nation for GDP growth in the professional services industry, driven by the expansion of high-tech opportunities in the state.

— Nearly 2,000 new professional services businesses were started in Montana in 2023, which accounts for almost half of all new businesses established in the state.

— Business formation in Montana reached a record high of 23,000 new business in 2023

— Montana ranks 3rd in the nation for self-employment, with nearly 30% of the workforce operating their own business.

— Personal income has risen by 7.5% annually since 2020 – ranking Montana 4th fastest for growth among states.

— Per capita income rose to $63,918 in 2023 – ranking 28th among states.

— Price growth moderated in 2023 across a variety of goods and services. By mid-2024, inflation fell to 3% over-the-year.

–Housing prices continue to be the primary driver of inflation. However, the pace of housing price growth is beginning to slow in Montana.

— Montana home prices rose 4.7% in 2023 compared with 5% nationwide.

— The typical home value in Montana averaged $470,000 in the first half of 2024 – representing a 70% rise in home values over the last five years.

Finding help continues to be a huge problem for the nation’s small businesses, according to the latest Jobs Report put out monthly by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading association of Main Street enterprises.

 “Our Jobs Report is a national snapshot, not broken down by state,” said Ronda Wiggers, state director for NFIB in Montana. “The employment situation in Montana is a little better than in the rest of the nation in part due to better state policies we have in place. But our Main Street entrepreneurs here share with their national brethren small businesses’ overriding concern about the fate of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act (H.R. 4721, S. 1706), which would make the 20% Small Business Deduction permanent. Without it, taxes will increase on over 90% of small business owners if Congress fails to act.”

“Job openings on Main Street remain historically high as small business owners continue to lament the lack of qualified applicants for their open positions. Owners have grown understandably frustrated as attempts to fill their workforce repeatedly stall and cost pressures continue to rise.”

 Highlights from the Latest Jobs Report

* Overall, 62% of small business owners reported hiring or trying to hire in August, up five points from July. Fifty-six percent (90% of those hiring or trying to hire) of owners reported few or no qualified applicants for the positions they were trying to fill.

 * Thirty-six percent have openings for skilled workers (up four points) and 15% have openings for unskilled labor (down one point)

 * Job openings in construction were up five points from July and over half of them (60%) have a job opening they can’t fill. Job openings were the highest in the transportation, construction, and manufacturing sectors, and the lowest in the agriculture and finance sectors.

* A seasonally adjusted net 13% of owners plan to create new jobs in the next three months, down two points from July.

Polly Mulvaney joined Visit Billings, managed by the Billings Chamber of Commerce, as the new Group Sales Manager. In her new role, Mulvaney will manage meeting and convention recruitment as well as group tour sales for the destination.

 She has spent her career in outdoor hospitality, travel and tourism industry, working in Montana and the western region while serving the U.S. and Canada. Her marketing, sales, franchise division and relationship building skills equate well to member services and support that are central to the Group Sales Manager position.

“Polly is no stranger to tourism or chamber work, as she has worked for KOA, the Bozeman and Billings Chambers of Commerce, and Colorado Tourism Board,” says Alex Tyson, executive director of Visit Billings. ”We are excited to have Polly back home with the Visit Billings team and look forward to the vast expertise and industry knowledge she brings to this role, as she elevates Montana’s City nationwide.”

Mulvaney is a proud alumna of Montana State University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications. She is pursuing certifications as a Certified Autism Travel Professional (CATP) and a Professional in Destination Management. 

She has called Billings home for over two decades with her husband, has three grown children and two Golden Retrievers. Outside of work and family life, Mulvaney enjoys fly fishing and is a new fan of pickleball.

While Montana has been one of the leading states in attracting newcomers over the past few years, not all of them stay. They don’t “stick,” according to

Montana had the second least “stickiness” in the nation in 2024. Montana loses 87% of its movers to other states. The only other state, which was more prone to losing their residents to out-migration was Alaska losing 90 percent. Wyoming is third at 86%.

The study that moveBuddha conducted revealed that seven of the least sticky states were in the Mountain West. The study analyzed over 175,000 searches on their moving cost calculator to get real-time insights into where relocating Americans plan to move. They ranked all 50 states by their stickiness – “their ability to keep relocating residents within state lines.”

The study aligned the rankings of statewide economic data and quality-of-life indicators to see which factors might contribute to a state’s lack of stickiness.

The Mountain West is home to 7 of the 10 least sticky states of 2024.

But just because a state was low in stickiness, didn’t mean they ceased attracting additional new comers. Montana, in addition to being among the most low stickiness states, continues to gain new residents. Montana maintains positive in-to-out move ratios.

In fact, Montana has the highest in-to-out move ratio in the country since 2020, averaging 2.37 new residents from beyond state lines for every Montanan who leaves.

The study found that the reasons people leave a state has most to do with the cost of living and real estate prices, rather than GDP growth or jobs. In short, high overall costs mean more residents will call it quits, even though newcomers may still find the state appealing.

“Many of these states have grown their populations enough to see local prices soar and locals panic. Real estate prices increase, and more newcomers come, but others are forced to leave an economy that’s leaving them behind.”