The news agency, The Center Square is concerned about keeping America’s election honest, and have focused reporting on what is happening in various states.

While we are routinely assured there is nothing to worry about in regard to the integrity of our elections, Center Square has found that is not true.

The Center Square recently broke the news that Washington State’s Attorney General and the Secretary of State’s office agreed to void a provision in the state constitution that requires voters to be residents for at least 30 days before participating in an election.

“This is a historic affront to the integrity of our elections. The provision that voters reside in Washington State for at least 30 days before casting a ballot dates to the original Constitution that Washington adopted upon joining the union in 1889.  Never in 135 years of statehood have officials in Washington contemplated such a brazen attack on the sanctity of the vote,” commented Center Square.

Even more outrageous than what they did is how they did it.

The Attorney General and Secretary of State made this rule change by sidestepping the constitutional amendment process, which requires supermajorities in the legislature and a supermajority vote of the people. Instead, they amended the constitution through state agency rulemaking.

“The implications of this precedent are staggering: political actors can effectively amend the constitution by having groups – in this case an organization that donated to AG Bob Ferguson’s campaign for governor – file a lawsuit and then agree to a consent decree to remove that provision without any say from either the citizens of the state of Washington or their elected representatives.”

Under Washington state law now, a person can register to vote (without any verification) and participate in an election as late as 8 p.m. on Election Day without having to attest that they have been a resident for any period of time.

With only months to go, it’s still an open question whether America will have a free and fair election this year, writes Center Square in a promotional piece seeking contributions. “This rule change in Washington state – made without the say of voters or their elected representatives – could allow numerous illegal immigrants and out-of-state residents to vote, while giving power-hungry officials in other states a playbook to rig elections nationwide.”

They have also reported other incidents. In May 2024, the Illinois legislature gutted a child welfare bill and replaced the contents with changes to ballot eligibility, protecting potentially vulnerable statehouse members from facing tight races.

After less than 24 hours, the bill was pushed through – six weeks after the primary and into the state’s election season process.

Through a series of articles the Center Square detailed the issue for voters, from the first passage in early May through a June 5 court order that stopped party officials from implementing the changes.

Four years ago Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg injected outside money and deployed poll workers across politically targeted states, such as Wisconsin. The stunt became infamously known as “Zuckerbucks.” 

When news of this reached voters, concern grew over the elite’s ability to infiltrate state elections.  

The Center Square’s coverage on this issue raised voters’ awareness and ultimately led to the passage of two constitutional amendments in Wisconsin to keep this kind of money out of the state’s political system. 

As lawmakers in D.C. debate citizenship verification requirements for voting, election officials in states, such as Washington. have already opened the door for illegal voting by foreign nationals.

Last year, The Center Square’s coverage prompted the Washington Secretary of State to consider changes to the voter registration process, highlighting the power of honest, objective journalism. Across two different reports, the Washington state SoS’s office documented how this coverage could:

— “Motivate individuals to call on elected officials to implement citizenship verification procedures for voter registration in Washington State.”

— “Motivate individuals to call for changes to the voter registration process to remove the ability to register to vote when applying for a driver’s license.”

With millions of undocumented migrants pouring over our broken border, can we trust the national news-media elites to gather the facts and tell the story honestly? questions Center Square in their appeal for support.

In March 2023, The Center Square delivered a three-part series on election integrity. The series detailed legislation that would require every Washington state county elections office to give a New York-based nonprofit unfettered digital access. This was the same nonprofit that colluded with state officials during the pandemic-era elections to suppress online speech and was referred to by a federal judge as an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth.”

For more than five years, The Center Square has been the taxpayers’ voice for government accountability, tracking the impact of outside funding on local elections, highlighting when political elites and activists have attempted to stack the deck in their favor, and shining the light on foreign nationals attempting to participate in our election process.

The Center Square is published by Franklin News Foundation.  For more information contact Center Square at 20 N. Clark St., Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60602. Phone: (847) 497-5230. Email:


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