Humana  and Greater Good Health have announced the opening of primary care clinics in Missoula, Billings and Great Falls, Montana. 

The clinics are in-network with all Humana Medicare Advantage HMO and PPO plans offered in Montana, as well as a Humana Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan for certain patients qualifying for both Medicare and Medicaid. Greater Good Health will also see patients with Original Medicare.

Greater Good Health’s value-based, senior-focused clinics will have a strong commitment to delivering high-quality care and addressing the specific needs of senior patients through prevention, condition management, and coordinated care.

The first Greater Good Health clinic to open will start seeing patients in Missoula at 2230 North Reserve Street today, Oct. 30, 2023, followed by the Billings location at 1423 38th Street W, Ste. 3, which is scheduled to open on Nov. 27, 2023.  There are also plans for a third location to open by the end of this year in Great Falls at 405 3rd Street NW. 

“Greater Good Health is focused on simplifying and coordinating care while educating and empowering seniors,” said Jesse Gamez, Humana Intermountain Medicare President. “I am so grateful to have helped bring this new model of healthcare to the state of Montana, which will expand access to primary care to a rapidly growing senior population.”

“Physician shortages have created massive gaps in healthcare,” said Greater Good Health Founder & CEO Sylvia Hastanan. “Meanwhile, seniors across Montana struggle with access to primary care, and we are responding to the needs of the community by opening comprehensive primary care clinics in partnership with Humana.

By Olivia Johnston, Mountain States Policy Center

Is the U.S. Supreme Court posed to slam the door shut on efforts by some to impose wealth taxes across the country?

We may soon find out.

Multiple states, Idaho and Montana included, along with over 25 organizations have filed amicus briefs in favor of a Washington state couple, Charles and Kathleen Moore, against the United States, for what is anticipated to be the biggest tax case to reach the Supreme Court of the United States in several decades.

This upcoming term, the highest court will hear Moore v. United States, which is on appeal from the 9th Circuit. This litigation poses the Court with the ultimate question: is a realization event necessary for the federal government to impose a tax? A realization event occurs when a taxpayer has money in their hands.

Here is what we know about the case: The Moores hold an 11% ownership interest in KisanKraft, a farming manufacturing company operating out of India. Since the Moores bought in, the company has done exceptionally well, with profits increasing each passing year. The Moores are seeing gains on paper from their overseas investment, but they haven’t cashed in here in the United States. They were taxed on this increase in investment value, which only existed on paper.

The Moores’ position is that the tax imposed is unconstitutional under the Sixteenth Amendment and numerous prior court rulings. The Moores argue that the Ninth Circuit essentially took away the constitutional limit of the federal government to only tax what is deemed as income, and that, “This case is the cleanest vehicle the Court will ever see to address realization under the Sixteenth Amendment.”

The dispute arose due to Section 965 of the Internal Revenue Code, the repatriation tax, being applied to the Moores. This tax was a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, requiring U.S. corporations operating outside of the country to transfer wealth back, a one-time tax. The portion affecting the Moores requires that any person who holds more than 10% of a foreign company that is composed of over 50% U.S. ownership, also called a “CFC”, is subject to taxation; realization event, or not. The Moores were placed in this category due to their 11% ownership in KisanKraft, a CFC. Sec. 965 was codified to combat companies leaving the U.S. and making their money elsewhere.

The government’s position is that while it is true that the government has not historically implemented a tax without realization, “the Supreme Court has made clear that realization of income is not a constitutional requirement. Essentially, the government seeks to overturn the definition put forth in Glenshaw Glass, that “undeniable accessions to wealth” are taxable.

The government seeks to broaden what constitutes a taxable event. If the Court decides in favor of the Moores, it is likely the Court will attempt to sever the statutory language. This would be the easiest solution, as it would allow for the single clause of the repatriation tax to discontinue while maintaining the other portions of the Trump tax legislation, and there is a strong presumption of severability.

If the Court sides with the government, this decision would have great implications for Americans – both financially, and administratively. Not only would the government create greater amounts of paperwork for the taxpayer and the government, but it would also tax money that individuals don’t actually have, in their hands.

The greater concern this case presents is the impact on the legality of wealth taxes.

The National Taxpayers Union Foundation amicus brief offers what several Mountain State policy analysts believe the Court will do; “This Court could uphold the MRT for C corporations but excuse individuals such as the Moores. This Court could determine that the MRT does not violate the realization requirement because the business realized them even if the individuals did not receive a distribution.”

Under this likely approach, the purpose of the MRT is maintained while upholding the constitutionality of a realization requirement.

The Moore name might be on the documents, but there are many Americans whose interests could be significantly hindered if the government prevails. This is not a Court that has shown a desire to increase tax liability. It is unlikely the majority will be receptive to accepting the Solicitor General’s arguments on behalf of the government during oral arguments.

But, as lawyers say daily, it depends.

ONEOK, Inc. announced that it has completed its acquisition of Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (Magellan), creating a more diversified North American midstream infrastructure company focused on delivering essential energy products and services to its customers, and continued strong returns to investors.

Said Pierce H. Norton II, ONEOK president and chief executive officer, “Our expanded products platform will present additional opportunities in ONEOK’s core businesses and further enhance the resiliency of our company. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition aimed at delivering on the many benefits of this combination for our customers, employees and shareholders.”

ONEOK, Inc. is a midstream service provider and owns one of the nation’s premier natural gas liquids (NGL) systems, connecting NGL supply in the Rocky Mountain, (including Montana) Permian and Mid-Continent regions with key market centers and owns an extensive network of gathering, processing, fractionation, transportation and storage assets.

Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. is a publicly traded partnership that primarily transports, stores and distributes refined petroleum products and crude oil. Magellan owns the longest refined petroleum products pipeline system in the country, with access to nearly 50% of the nation’s refining capacity, and can store more than 100 million barrels of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel and crude oil.

By Michael J. Marino, Yellowstone County News

Originally constructed in 2006, the 22,500 sq. ft. S-Bar-S building in Lockwood will soon transform into a third location for Ranch House Meat & Sausage Company, a locally owned meat processing business, after a sale which was finalized in August.

S Bar S owner Ryan Stichman said, “We have no plans on shutting our doors.  January 1, 2022, I purchased S Bar S from my uncle, Tom Stichman.  I am the 3rd generation Stichman to own the business.” 

Stichman said his family has been looking at ways to downsize the store for a few years. They plan to break ground on a new, smaller lumber and hardware store late this fall or in early winter, as well as to renovate their original building to use as offices.

In the meantime, Stichman said S Bar S will lease an area of their old store from Ranch House as they prepare to move.

“We are excited about our future and our ongoing support of the Lockwood community that we have had since 1971,” wrote Stichman.

Ranch House Meats owner, Shane Flowers, said he plans to maintain the company’s two existing locations, which include one off Henesta Drive in West Billings, the other in Shepherd along Highway 312. Both stores sell hand-cut Montana beef, pork, and bacon as well as various smoked meats. In addition, the Shepherd location also offers custom smokehouse meats and private labeling.

What’s in store for the eventual third location off Old Hardin Road in Lockwood?

“It’s going to be strictly manufacturing,” said Flowers, “It’s going to be smoked products only.” He said, although a small area near the front of the building will serve as a retail environment where one can buy retail meat products, most of the space will be dedicated to “value added production” like snack sticks, jerky, and summer sausage.

The feedback from Lockwood residents as to this retail location has been “really positive,” according to Flowers. “I think, as a company, we will hopefully be an asset to the community, providing some jobs and tax base as well for them, [with] the amount of production we’re anticipating on doing.”

Flowers says he’s been eyeing the S-Bar-S building ever since it first went up for sale several years ago, noting its layout and open floor plan which would allow him to “build out the way we want it.” He also predicts that it will “create a great visual” for his future clients.

The decision to purchase the S-Bar-S building rather than expand the company’s existing locations was made for a couple of reasons. The first is that Flowers expects he will need “a fair amount of labor” to ramp up production work. “It’s going to be a lot easier to pull labor the closer we are to Billings,” he explained.

Flowers further said he looked into adding on to the Shepherd store but found the cost to be fairly significant due to the building running off less advanced utilities like wells and septic tanks.

As far as an opening date for the new Ranch House Meats location, Flowers told Yellowstone County News nothing is set in stone yet because some items, like equipment orders and construction supplies, are still being ironed out. However, as soon as the site is ready to launch, the company intends to make an official announcement.

Branden Stevens, the current Fire Chief for the Miles City Fire Department in Miles City, Montana, will be the new Fire Chief for The Lockwood Fire District. He will assume his new position on December 1, 2023.

The Lockwood Fire District Board of directors made the announcement on Tuesday after interviewing four potential candidates, last Friday, who submitted resumes during a nationwide search.

Stevens will replace current Fire Chief John Staley who has announced his retirement.

Chief Staley has been with the Lockwood Fire District since 2014, and was previously the Fire Chief in Thornton Colorado. Chief Staley also served with the Billings Fire Department for 26 years.

“We are excited to have been able to attract such and experienced and enthusiastic individual as our new Fire Chief” said board member Frosty Erben. The board had 18 applications from various states and organizations. The Fire Board narrowed the choices to four candidates and had them attend an assessment center process to determine the best fit for Lockwood. Chief Stevens distinguished himself in that process.

Chiefs Stevens is the 4th career Fire Chief in Lockwood’s brief existence, since 1988.

James Allen recently joined Stockman Insurance as an agent in Billings. His responsibilities include developing and servicing new client relationships and assisting them with both their business and personal insurance needs.

 Allen, a licensed insurance agent has a strong background in sales, which will be an asset for Stockman Insurance as they continue to grow in the communities that they serve. He is currently working towards his Associate’s degree in Business Management from Montana State University Billings. He is active in the community serving on the City of Billings Community Development Board and volunteering for Billings TrailNet Ales for Trails. He will also participate in Stockman related events.

Stockman Insurance, an affiliate of Stockman Bank of Montana, is a full-service insurance agency offering most lines of insurance. Their mission is to become the preferred leader in agribusiness, commercial and personal insurance by serving their clients’ needs with personalized and professional customer service.

Allen is located at the Stockman Insurance office at 1405 Grand Avenue. He can be reached at 406-896-4860. Stockman Insurance, headquartered in Miles City, has other offices located in Belgrade, Big Sky, Conrad, Glendive, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, Missoula, Richey, Stanford, Worden and Whitefish.

By Trish Schreiber

School choice is essential for improving educational outcomes for students, and open enrollment is a significant part of that choice spectrum. While Montana has made strides in this area, it lags behind neighbors like Colorado, Idaho, and Utah, all of which boast more expansive open enrollment policies and flourishing charter school sectors. 

 Open Enrollment falls into two categories: intra-district (choice within the same district) and inter-district (choice across district lines). Predictably, inter-district enrollment faces more opposition from the education establishment, presumably due to concerns about funding allocations. While 43 states have some form of inter-district choice, the accessibility varies significantly. Shockingly, in 19 of those state policies, it is not even mandatory for districts to offer open enrollment, but rather it is voluntary. 

 Susan Pendegrass, in her paper “Breaking Down Public School District Lines,” highlights the problematic nature of using district lines for school selection. Despite Brown v. Board of Education’s decisive conclusion that separate is not equal, “Using district lines to determine where a child goes to schools is a 200-year old mistake that has resulted in racial and socioeconomic segregation in U.S. public schools.” This practice inadvertently supports socioeconomic segregation in schools. Moreover, Pendegrass points out that voluntary open enrollment policies exacerbate disparities and can lead to districts “cherry picking” students. 

 While Montana has historically offered mandatory inter-district open enrollment, this was only because of certain circumstances due to geographical barriers between homes and district schools. Until recently, this option necessitated families to disclose personal details to validate their transfer request and subjected the decision to the sending district’s discretion. However, Montana recently improved its inter-district open enrollment policy, eliminating out-of-pocket-tuition fees for access to out-of-district schools.  

 Although many of the larger districts in Montana offer intra-district open enrollment, it is a voluntary policy, something experts discourage. A quick search of larger school district websites shows that Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell and Missoula all assign students within district boundaries to designated zoned schools. Bozeman SD7 even cites the criminal statute applied for false residence claims to attend one of their schools, echoing a nationwide issue. In keeping with Pendagrass’s assessment that district zoning leads to segregation, in a recent study titled “Where Do Americans Mingle?,” researchers demonstrated that there is significantly more socioeconomic integration in chain restaurants and gas stations than there is in American public schools. Given this, does Montana’s zoning of children into neighborhood schools truly offer “equality of educational opportunity” as guaranteed in its constitution?

It is also worth noting how Montana’s new charter laws differ in this “equality of educational opportunity” guarantee through their enrollment offerings. While the Community Choice Schools Act states “A Community Choice School must be open to any student residing in the state,” (Section 11(1)(a)) the Public Charter Schools Act includes that exact same sentence followed six sentences later with, “A public charter school shall give enrollment preference to students who are residents of the located school district” (Section 8 (2)(a)). Why this discrepancy in enrollment offerings if the intent is truly to give all students options?  

While I can’t answer this question, it’s evident Montana needs introspection. There’s an urgent need to break free from outdated education norms and embrace a more inclusive and adaptable education system. Other nations, admired for their educational outcomes like Poland, Finland, Canada and Estonia, have all embraced education pluralism. Why can’t Montana’s funding and school choice policies be equally pluralistic, focusing on funding students rather than funding structures?

Trish Schreiber is a senior education fellow at the Montana-based Frontier Institute.

Attend the Elevating Air Service in Billings event on November 8, 2023 at 8 am at the Northern Hotel to learn more about progress and plans directly from the Billings Air Service Committee. 

Air service plays an important role in quality of life and business here in Billings. It connects us, drives visitation, as well as positively impacting our local and regional economy.  

The Air Service Committee is comprised of Billings Chamber of Commerce, Billings Logan Airport, Big Sky Economic Development, Visit Billings and the business community. This committee is working hard to grow direct service. Although we have good service, we know we can do better.

Agenda includes: 

* Upcoming strategies from Jeff Roach, Director of Billings Logan Airport 

* Update from Mead & Hunt, consultant to Billings Logan Airport 

* Facilitated discussion seeking input from business leaders in attendance 

Doors will open at 8 am and program will be held from 8:15-9:30 am. Complimentary breakfast will be served during this free event. Space is limited. Register to attend event by November 6, 2023 at the chamber website: https:// business. 


Langlas And Assoc./ Langlas & Assoc., Inc. 1305 S 27th St W, Com New Office/Bank, $1,514,396

NADC Holdings LLC/ Swanke Construction,  1125 Broadwater Ave, Com Remodel $260,000

Billings Logisics Center One/ Bauer Construction, 3218 S Frontage Rd, Com Remodel, $700,000

Vagner Management Group/ Langlas & Assoc., Inc., 1640 Grand Ave, Com Remodel, $220,000

City Of Billings The/ A & S Remodeling And Construction LLC, 500 Hallowell Ln, Com Remodel, $31,107

Costco Wholesale, 2290 King Ave W, Com Remodel, $287,975

Old Hickory Shed LLC/ Barns N Such, 2121 Main St, Com Addition $74,800

Holiday Station Stores LLC/ Cucancic Construction Inc., 790 S Billings Blvd, Com Addition, $740,000

Holiday Station Stores LLC/ Cucancic Construction Inc., 790 S Billings Blvd, Com Addition, $0.00

Rimrock Hospitality Billings LLC / Marlin Construction Partners, Inc., 4750 King Ave E, Com New Hotel/Motel, $7,000,000

Billings Federal Credit Union/ Jones Construction, Inc, 725 Henry Chapple St, Com New Office/Bank, $1,500,000

Konstruksie Inc/ Konstruksie Inc, 6410 Southern Bluffs Ln, Com New Townhome Shell, $558,775

Eig4t Nova Mt Billings LLC/ Signs of Montana, 3049 Meadow View Dr, Com Remodel, $475,000


Big Sky King Properties LLC/ Construction Co of VA, 750 Southgate Dr, Com Remodel, $650,000

Ted Daughty/ Air Controls Billings Inc. 1511 Central Ave, Com Remodel $7,500

Alberstons/ Langlas & Assoc., Inc., 670 Main St, Com Remodel, $5,000

West Park Promenade 8 LLC/ Bauer Construction, 1595 Grand Ave, Com Remodel, $150,000

Denny’s Re I LLC/ Environmental Contractors LLC., 501 N 27th St, Demolition Permit Commercial, $33,000

Rimrock Foundation/ Golden H LLC, 1404 6th Ave N, Demolition Permit Commercial, $25,000

Rimrock Foundation/ Golden H LLC, 1406 6th Ave N, Demolition Permit Commercial, $25,000

Cine Billings/ Sprague Construction Roofing Division, 109 N 30th St, Com Fence/Roof/Siding, $145,063

City Of Billings The/ Finishing Touch Exteriors Inc, 1525 54th St W, Com Fence/Roof/Siding, $223,514 

Cardwell Unit 2 LLC/ TW Ridley LLC, 3141 Meadow View Dr, Com New Office/Bank, $1,500,000

St Vincent Health/ Bauer Construction, 1232 N 30th St, Com Remodel, $979,931

Billings Logistics Center One L/ Bauer Construction, 3218 S Frontage Rd, Com Remodel, $310,000

Matt Bonner/ Jones Construction, Inc, 820 Shiloh Crossing Blvd, Com Remodel, $75,000

Jo & Kyle CSG Wellness LLC Com Remodel/ Jones Construction, Inc, 820 Shiloh Crossing Blvd, $100,000

Chris Schaff/ Air Controls Billings Inc., 2601 Overlook Dr, Com Remodel, $3,000


Leon Clause/ Green Jeans LLC, 1207 Cherry Island Dr, Res New Single Family, $310,000

 4 Mt Homes Inc/ 4 Mt Homes Inc, 2317 Entrada Rd, Res New Single Family, $213,528

4 Mt Homes Inc/ 4 Mt Homes Inc, 820 Hermosa St, Res New Single Family, $188,246

4 Mt Homes Inc/ 4 Mt Homes Inc, 821 Hermosa St, Res New Single Family, $188,246

Lorenz Construction LLC/ Double Duece Ventures LLC, 3543 Rachelle Cir, Res New Single Family, $375,000

Cdh, LLC/ Cdh, LLC, 5231 Rich Ln, Res New Single Family, $278,601

Christensen/ Michael Christensen Homes, 1240 Timbers Blvd S, Res New Single Family, $450,000

Christensen/ Michael Christensen Homes, 1246 Timbers Blvd S, Res New Single Family, $450,000

South Pine Design/ South Pine Design, 1757 E Thunder Mountain Rd, Res New Single Family, $450,000

Formation Inc/ Formation Inc, 2508 Aspen Creek Trl, Res New Single Family, $318,182

Formation Inc/ Formation Inc, 2512 Aspen Creek Trl, Res New Single Family, $318,182

CB Built, LLC / CB Built LLC, 4610 Talking Tree Dr, Res New Two Family, $501,840

CB Built, LLC/ CB Built LLC, 4616 Talking Tree Dr, Res New Two Family, $501,840

CB Built, LLC/ CB Built LLC, 4622 Talking Tree Dr, Res New Two Family, $501,840

CB Built, LLC/ CB Built LLC, 4628 Talking Tree Dr, Res New Two Family, $501,840

Debra A Reger Revocable Trust/ Top Quality Builders LLC, 3610 Poly Dr, Res New Accessory Structure, $65,280

South Pine Design/ South Pine Design, 5320 N Iron Mountain Rd, Res New Single Family, $450,000

Bob Pentecost/ Bob Pentecost Const, 2213 Lindero Blvd, Res New Single Family, $345,000

McCall Development Inc/ McCall Development, 1863 St Paul Ln, Res New Single Family $377,109

McCall Development Inc/ McCall Development, 1873 Annafeld Pkwy W, Res New Single Family, $277,174

Bob Pentecost/ Bob Pentecost Const, 2219 Lindero Blvd, Res New Single Family, $365,000

Konstruksie Inc/ Konstruksie Inc, 6410 Southern Bluffs Ln, Res New Townhome, $0.00

Konstruksie Inc/ Konstruksie Inc, 6412 Southern Bluffs Ln, Res New Townhome, $0.00

Meyer, Kenneth A & Marcia S, 4228 Audubon Way Res New Accessory Structure, $25,344

Reule, Brittanny J/ Reliable Renovations, 364 Sahara Dr, Res New Accessory Structure, $28,800

4 Mt Homes Inc/ 2317 Entrada Rd, Res New Accessory Structure, $43,200

McCall Development Inc/ McCall Development, 1885 Annafeld Pkwy W, Res New Accessory Structure, $33,792

Mike Christensen Enterprises LLC/ Michael Christensen Homes, 2519 Aspen Creek Trl, Res New Single Family, $450,000

Infinity Home LLC/ Infinity Home LLC, 584 Chino Cir, Res New Single Family, $225,968

4mt Homes Inc/ 4 Mt Homes Inc, 2311 Entrada Rd, Res New Single Family, $207,745

Bentley Revocable Trust/ Ban Construction Corp, 2120 S Stone Creek Trl, Res New Single Family, $1,315,000

I Infinity Homes/ Infinity Home LLC, 608 Chino Cir, Res New Single Family $242,671

McCall Development Inc/ McCall Development, 1885 Annafeld Pkwy W, Res New Single Family, $282,295

PWR Contracting Inc/ PWR Contracting, 3330 Winchell Ln, Res New Two Family, $600,000

Asurion Tech Repair & Solutions™ in Billings is rebranding to uBreakiFix by Asurion. The store, located at 611 Hilltop Rd Ste 2 in Billings, will continue to offer professional fixes for most everyday tech devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, game consoles and more.

The change comes as part of a nationwide rebrand, with more than 700 uBreakiFix and Asurion Tech Repair & Solutions stores transitioning to align as one brand, uBreakiFix by Asurion.

“Your local store’s sign may have changed, but our mission remains the same: to help people stay connected to the things that are important to them,” said uBreakiFix by Asurion CEO Dave Barbuto. “We’re still here to help when you’re dealing with a cracked screen, battery drainage, a virus or anything else that’s preventing you from enjoying your favorite tech devices.”

While common repairs include damaged screens, battery issues and liquid damage, the store’s repair experts can help with most any tech mishap. The store provides authorized repairs for devices such as Samsung Galaxy and Google Pixel smartphones and has access to Apple genuine parts, tools and manuals as part of Apple’s Independent Repair Provider network. The store also offers tech support services, like PC tune-ups, virus removals and even device cleanings.