Enplanements at Billings Logan International Airport are up 15.36 percent, year –to-date. The Total enplanements increased from 317,734 to 366,542. The month of September was up 18.58 percent over September 2023, increasing from 35,772 to 42,358.

Jeff Roach, Director, announced that the airport moved up nationally in enplanement status to the 143rd  busiest airport, from 145th.  He also announced that the airport is now the 53rd airport for Air Cargo.

Air freight going out is up 3.87% year-to –date (17,890,092 pounds to 18,582,262) and up 25.46% in September compared to last September. Air freight coming into Billings is down 4.03% 

Construction on the airport is continuing.

So is construction of the $3.3 Million Transit Operations Facility, which began May 20 and is to be completed in November, according to Rusty Logan, Assistant Director of Transit. They are also building a EV Electrical Charger station.

He also announced that there has been a 72% increase of ridership from last year, even when schools are out during the summer.  As of the beginning of August, overall ridership numbers are at 429,000 for the year.

By Casey Harper, The Center Square

The Republican-led House Energy and Commerce Committee released a report a week ago, saying that the Biden-Harris Administration spent nearly a billion dollars promoting COVID-era messaging, much of which turned out to be untrue or misleading.

The Congressional report examines the $900 million spent by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on COVID-era messaging to the American people.

The report cites “errors and failures” in the U.S. Center for Disease Control’s “We Can Do This” advertisements and marketing materials.

The report said that much of that taxpayer-funded marketing included incorrect information about vaccines, the danger to children, masks and more.

“Much of the scientific content directly featured in or alluded to in Campaign ads and other promotional material was drawn from CDC recommendations, guidance, and research, critical parts of which proved to be deeply flawed,” the report said.

For instance, the report cited the CDC telling Americans that taking the COVID-19 vaccine would prevent them from getting COVID, something that turned out to be false.

“This ultimately had a negative impact on vaccine confidence and the CDC’s credibility when proven untrue,” the report said.

In another instance, the report points out that federal health officials and the CDC initially downplayed the need and usefulness of masking only to later reverse course and strongly urge Americans to mask, even outdoors.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), advocated against mask wearing on February 5, 2020, stating ‘Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection,’” the report said.

“By April 3, 2020, the CDC completely reversed course and announced new mask wearing guidelines, recommending that all people wear a mask outside of the home,” the report continued, adding that “In December of 2022, after leaving the Biden White House, former COVID-19 coordinator, Ashish Jha, freely admitted what many had been saying all along—’[t]here is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well.’”

The report also pointed out that “The CDC had inconsistent and flawed messaging about the effectiveness of masks” and that “the CDC consistently overstated the risk of COVID-19 to children.”

“The CDC continues to recommend COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans ages six months and older, which has made the United States a global outlier in COVID-19 policy,” the report said.

That marketing was used by lawmakers and local and state officials to justify extended lockdowns on businesses, which hurt the economy and put many small business owners out of business or to justify school closures, from which research now shows students have still not recovered.

“While the Biden-Harris administration’s public health guidance led to prolonged closures of schools and businesses, the NIH was spending nearly a billion dollars of taxpayer money trying to manipulate Americans with advertisements—sometimes containing erroneous or unproven information,” Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., said in a statement.

“By overpromising what the COVID-19 vaccines could do—in direct contradiction of the FDA’s authorizations—and over emphasizing the virus’s risk to children and young adults, the Biden-Harris administration caused Americans to lose trust in the public health system,” she added.

Reporting has shown that during the pandemic the federal government successfully pressured social media companies to censor Americans’ posts on COVID-related issues that did not toe the party line.

Meta CEO and Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this year in a public letter that he regretted complying with those federal requests.

“Our investigation also uncovered the extent to which public funding went to Big Tech companies to track and monitor Americans, underscoring the need for stronger online data privacy protections,” McMorris-Rodgers said.

The lawmakers on the Republican-led committee pointed out that the federal government’s pushing of unproven or incorrect medical data has led to an overall distrust of federal health agencies and vaccines on the whole.

“The entire premise of the Biden-Harris ‘Stop the Spread’ campaign was that if you got vaccinated for COVID-19, you could resume daily activities because they said vaccinated people would not spread the disease,” Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith, R-Va., said in a statement. “Despite lacking scientific basis, the administration bought into this CDC claim and misled the American public. As a result, vaccination coverage with other vaccines appears to have declined, I believe because of a growing distrust of information coming from our public health institutions.”

Gallup released polling data in August showing that fewer Americans now say childhood vaccines are important, “with 40% saying it is extremely important for parents to have their children vaccinated, down from 58% in 2019 and 64% in 2001.”

By Chris Woodward, The Center Square

Mountain States are among the most gun-friendly states in 2024.

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North and South Dakota all rank high in rankings from ammunition e-commerce and wholesaler company Ammo.com. 

Montana is fourth on this year’s ranking. Like other states in its region, Montana is a Constitutional Carry state with no registration or permit requirements. Meanwhile, Montana does not impose a sale tax on firearms, something Ammo.com said means firearms will “be a bit cheaper than in most other states.”

In a statement, Gov. Greg Gianforte said Montanans are proud of their Second Amendment rights. They also know they have a “responsibility” to preserve those Second Amendment rights. 

“We’ll continue to keep Montana a sanctuary for freedom and free enterprise, and we’ll always defend the rights of law-abiding Montanans,” said Gianforte.

In February 2023, the governor wrote United States Attorney General Merrick Garland to criticize the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to erode the 2nd Amendment rights of Montanans. In January of that year, Gianforte took steps with the Board of Investments to block Environmental Social Governance (ESG) investigating of state funds. 

More than 150 firearms and ammunitions businesses are in Montana.

Wyoming is 12th this year, due in part to the Cowboy State having Constitutional Carry, a governor that is pro-2nd Amendment, and Stand Your Ground Castle Doctrine, and No Duty to Retreat policies. 

Idaho is the 11th most gun-friendly state. As it is in Wyoming, Idahoans can open and concealed carry without a permit.

“Those traveling to Idaho will need a concealed carry (CCW) permit, although the state accepts permits from all 50 states,” said Ammo.com in this year’s report. “The state’s standard sales tax applies to all firearms and equipment, but you won’t have to register your firearms or take additional courses before purchasing.”

North Dakota ranks 10th for reasons such as one needs to only reside in the state for 30 days to partake in open and concealed carry freedoms. Gun owners do have to be at least 18 years of age, have no felony convictions, and face no pending criminal charges. Still, Ammo.com applauds the state for allowing those with prior convictions to get their 2A rights restored in the state of North Dakota.

“Governor Doug Burgum recently declared North Dakota a Second Amendment Sanctuary State,” added Ammo.com.

South Dakota ranked ninth. Governed by 2nd Amendment supporter Kristi Noem, South Dakota currently has no registration requirements for firearms, nor does it have additional background checks. Want an enhanced carry permit for travel? Visit your local sheriff’s department for an application. 

“South Dakota accepts CCWs from all 50 states,” wrote Ammo.com. “You can also apply for a Gold Card to bypass the NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System).”

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A new report from researchers at the University of Montana shows shorter school weeks may hurt student performance and school budgets, according to a report from Montana Public Radio.

While a growing number of schools in Montana have switched to four-day weeks, the researchers say data analysis on four-day school weeks “demonstrates a disturbing trend for education in Montana.” They found that student performance under four-day school weeks declines the longer a district uses the schedule, and lags behind kids in traditional five-day weeks.

Schools with shorter weeks often spend more on instruction, maintenance, transportation and food per student than similarly sized schools on a five-day schedule. A typical Class-B school in Montana would likely spend about $100,000 more annually after transitioning to a four-day week, according to the report.

State lawmakers allowed schools to switch to four-day instruction in 2005. Since then, 260 mostly small schools have adopted the schedule. District leaders have suggested shorter weeks could help them recruit and retain teachers. But the researchers say more evidence is needed to prove or disprove that argument.

The report’s authors recommend a return to five-day school weeks statewide.

New research suggests that the U.S. economy has been in a recession for the last two years if one adjusts the statistics used for inflation, reports Epoch Time.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, cumulative inflation since 2019 has totaled nearly 25 percent. But inflation figures have been understated by nearly half, resulting in cumulative growth to be “overstated by roughly 15%,” say economists EJ Antoni and Peter St. Onge.

“. . . these adjustments indicate that the American economy has actually been in recession since 2022,” they wrote in a new study published in Brownstone Journal.

Undercounting inflation has implications for economic growth because rapid price changes have bolstered the nominal values of a wide array of economic metrics “without resulting in any real change.”

New orders for durable goods have increased 7.5 percent (nominal) but fallen 13.4 percent (real). Retail sales have rocketed more than 23 percent (nominal) but rose 3.2 percent after adjusting for inflation. Nominal disposable personal income has surged about 35 percent, but the real rate has been just nearly 13 percent.

Nominal GDP at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate shows the national economy has soared 37.4 percent from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2024. But the way the Bureau of Economic Research evaluates those figures is “flawed,” report the economists.

Utilizing more accurate measures for housing, regulatory costs, and indirect costs yields a more accurate inflation measurement and therefore a more accurate valuation of real GDP, say the researchers.

Antoni and St. Onge conclude that the adjusted real GDP (gross domestic product) fell 2.5 percent from the first quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2024, which means that the nation entered a recession in the first quarter of 2022 and remained in that contraction through the second quarter of 2024.

The paper aimed to address various “egregious biases in inflation statistics” to gauge an accurate assessment of inflation over the last five years.

“The CPI has grossly underestimated housing cost inflation,” they wrote, highlighting that the consumer price index (CPI) fails to “actually account” for the direct cost of homeownership. Instead, federal statisticians rely on the “owners’ equivalent rent of residences,” which accounts for more than 26 percent of the CPI.

“If the costs to rent and own change commensurately over time, then this methodology will be relatively accurate,” the economists stated. “Unfortunately, the cost of owning a home has risen much faster than rents over the last four years and the CPI has grossly underestimated housing cost inflation.”

Measuring price changes when consumers are not directly charged for services is another challenge to accurately measuring inflation.

Health insurance is one example of this hurdle to correctly assessing inflation.

“Premiums are used both to pay for the actual cost of providing the service of insurance (risk mitigation) and for medical services and commodities,” the report said. “The CPI neglects both, and instead imputes the cost of health insurance from the profits of health insurers.”

The Bozeman –based company Simms Fishing Products is to be sold again as part of a group of companies being purchased by Revelyst for $1.125 billion. The deal is expected to close in January.

Revelyst includes the brands Bushnell Golf, Bell, Giro and CamelBak in addition to Simms, and is a division of Vista Outdoor Inc., which bought Simms in 2022 for $192.5 million. After purchasing Simms, and two other local brands, Vista located its company in Bozeman. They two other local companies were Blackhawk in Manhattan, and Stone Glacier, Bozeman.

Simms, recognized nationally for fishing products a, is located  west of Bozeman at Four Corners . It was founded in 1980 and purchased by K.C. Walsh in 1993.

The deal is with Strategic Value Partners, LLC, or “SVP,” which is a “global alternative investment firm” that manages $19 billion in assets. It is located in Greenwich, Connecticut and has offices in New York and London.

Project Meats, also known as Ranch House is seeking a tax abatement for the renovation of their new facility at 2032 Old Hardin Road in Lockwood.

Owners of the 17 –year –old business, Shane and Tanya Flowers plan to invest $1.1 million to continue to expand their meat processing and retail sales business. They process meat for customers, making snack sticks, jerky, sausage and other specialty products. They also wholesale fresh portions of meats, as well as distribute their products to warehouses across the central US to the Mexican border.

Once fully operational they will process 46,000 pounds of meat trim a day, turning it into snacks, sausage and jerky. They have another plant for processing local meat, as well as bringing in meat from clients from all over the US.

The company employs 15  full time people and 6 part time. As they proceed with their expansion they expect to have 25 full time employees and 10 part time within the next two years.

The abatement request will be considered by County Commissioners at a public hearing. The five year abatement program grants a reduction on property taxes upon the value of the new improvements. The first year the tax is zero, and then increases 20 percent incrementally each year until reaching the full 100 percent assessment. 

Along with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), Governor Greg Gianforte announced a record-setting oil and gas lease sale on state trust lands, totaling $2.85 million in revenue.

“We’ll continue to ramp up American-made energy in Montana to make our state and nation energy independent and secure,” Gov. Gianforte said. “All the while, we’ll prioritize additional revenues from these oil and gas lease sales for the benefit our schools and to ensure our kids have access to the best education possible.”

Approved by the State Board of Land Commissioners this morning, this sale represents the most revenue from a single sale since 2012.

It also ranks as the highest average bid price per acre and on a single tract in the history of oil and gas lease sales on state trust lands.

The sale included 4 tracts in in Pondera, Richland, and Toole counties. The lease sale was held on an online auction format through EnergyNet from August 29 to September 4.

“DNRC has the privilege of managing natural resources to generate revenue from state trust lands throughout Montana to support our public schools,” said DNRC Director Amanda Kaster. “This record-setting sale will bring additional funding for students in public schools throughout the state.”

Funds generated by leases on state trust lands contribute to the education fund for the state. Oil and gas leases are comprised of a set annual leasing fee per acre, plus a one-time competitive bid, known as the bonus amount. If the leases are developed and produce oil, they generate additional royalty revenues.

DNRC manages state trust lands, including the auction of oil and gas leases. For more information on oil and gas lease sales, see here.

Microsoft and Constellation Energy plan to spend $1.6 billion to restart the reactor at Three Mile Island. Oracle announced it will build a data center powered by 3 small modular reactors (SMR), as have other companies. While the increasing interest in nuclear fuel is welcomed by most, the renaissance is threatened by the “massive subsidies” the government gives to alternative green energies, “which dwarf those given to hydrocarbons and nuclear power,” according to Robert Bryce, writing in Substack.

The subsidies discourage prospective nuclear investors, because  solar and wind are gorging on federal tax credits  –“in 2022, solar energy producers got about 300 times more in federal tax incentives . . . Wind energy producers got 70 times more.”

An even bigger road block, however, are regulations and permitting processes that create delays and massive over-runs in cost. Bryce predicts, “a massive shakeout looms. . Of the dozens of companies that have announced interest in nuclear, Bryce said probably only three will succeed and the first nuclear generators won’t be seen until sometime in 2030 – not soon enough.

There was little optimism to be found in the most recent release of NFIB’s Small Business Economic Trends (SBET) report, but a whole lot of uncertainty, in fact, a record amount.

NFIB’s Optimism Index, also known as the SBET, recorded its 33rd consecutive month below its 50-year average. The uncertainty index raised eyebrows, rising 11 points to 103—the highest reading recorded.

“With elections right around the corner, there’s bound to be some level of uncertainty percolating among small business owners, but what we’re seeing right now is not your typical election season anxiety,” said Ronda Wiggers, Montana state director for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), which produces the Optimism Index, also known as the Small Business Economic Trends report.

“There’s a massive federal tax increase set to automatically kick in on January 1, 2026, if Congress fails to act in the next 15 months. The Main Street Tax Certainty Act would address this problem by preserving the 20% Small Business Deduction, but the likelihood of next year’s Congress and the executive branch working together concerns many small business owners.”

 “Small business owners are feeling more uncertain than ever. Uncertainty makes owners hesitant to invest in capital spending and inventory, especially as inflation and financing costs continue to put pressure on their bottom lines. Although some hope lies ahead in the holiday sales season, many Main Street owners are left questioning whether future business conditions will improve.”

Other Highlights from the SBET Report

* The average rate paid on short maturity loans was 10.1%, up 0.6 of a point from August. The last time it was this high was February 2001.

* Thirty-four percent (seasonally adjusted) of all owners reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, down six points from August and the lowest reading since January 2021.

* Seasonally adjusted, a net 32% reported raising compensation, down one point from August and remaining the lowest reading since April 2021.

* Twenty-three percent of owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem in operating their business (higher input and labor costs), down one point from August but remaining the top issue.

NFIB’s monthly (SBET) report is the gold standard measurement of America’s small business economy. Used by the Federal Reserve, Congressional leaders, administration officials, and state legislatures across the nation, it’s regarded as the bellwether on the health and welfare of the Main Street enterprises that employ half of all workers, generate more net new jobs than large corporations, and gave most of us the first start in our working life. The SBET (aka the Optimism Index) is a national snapshot of NFIB-member, small-business owners not broken down by state. More about the Uncertainty Index can be read here. The typical NFIB member employs between one and nine people and reports gross sales of about $500,000 a year.