The  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $11,390,000 to the state of Montana from the federal governments  Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The funding  is meant to support Montana communities in upgrading essential water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure that protects public health and treasured water bodies. Nearly half of this funding will be available as grants or principal forgiveness loans helping underserved communities across America invest in water infrastructure, while creating good-paying jobs. 

The funding builds on previous funding provided for Montana communities for water and wastewater treatment through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including $8.7 million for the CWSRF.  Projects already planned include places like Fort Smith, Montana, where Bipartisan Infrastructure Funds are contributing to a $7.5 million Wastewater System Improvement Project, including new collection systems, a central facultative lagoon away from the Bighorn River, and spray irrigation disposal.  These improvements are vital to a functioning sewage system for nearby communities, as well as the blue-ribbon, trout fishing industry on the Bighorn River.   

The Infrastructure Law makes over $50 billion available for water and waste water infrastruc -ture improvements across the country between FY2022 and FY2026.

Montana State University Billings student Teia Lackner has been able to complete her degree utilizing HyFlex courses while living an hour away from Billings and raising her daughter.

Lackner is originally from Valier, Montana, and was attending MSU Billings when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020. After classes moved online, she expected to return to a more traditional, in-person learning experience in the future. However, after welcoming her daughter in July 2021 and moving an hour away from Billings, HyFlex courses granted her the opportunity to continue her education on her own terms.

“If I didn’t have the option to take flexible courses, I probably wouldn’t be completing my education right now,” shared Lackner.

HyFlex courses allow students at MSUB to complete courses asynchronously, which means students can choose to come to class in person, complete their work on their own time and watch prerecorded lectures, attend a scheduled class virtually, or do a mix of all options. The flexibility of this option appeals to many students who work, raise families, or live outside of Billings.

Currently a resident of Hysham, Montana, Lackner was able to partner with the school in her community to complete her degree’s practicum hours without traveling to Billings and was able to attend many of her classes remotely or via HyFlex. Lackner also notes that her professors and advisors have been very supportive. “Everyone at MSUB has been so understanding and willing to help me find a way to make things possible,” says Lackner.

Lackner is currently completing her student teaching experience and expects to graduate from MSUB this May with a degree in elementary education.

By TJ Martinell|, The Center Square

A new federal regulation on healthcare price transparency could cost employers in Washington state and around the nation $100 a day if they don’t comply. Yet many Washington industry groups say they aren’t even aware the rule exists. 

Under the new regulation, health insurance carriers have to publicly disclose their in-network negotiated rates or the actual price versus “official” or retail price, along with other information via an online tool. The hitch is, employers are responsible to make sure it happens.

Those unaware of this responsibility includes the Association of Washington Business, or AWB. Communications Director Jason Hagey told The Center Square the group is “more heavily focused on the state level (regulations) than the federal level.” AWB has 7,000 members that employ 700,000 workers.

Also unaware of the new rule was the Washington Food Industry Association, according to President and CEO Tammie Hendrick. The association’s members employ more than 23,000 workers. 

Washington Retail Association Senior Vice President of Policy & Government Affairs Mark Johnson told The Center Square that his group was also unaware of the rule.

The new requirement is the product of Trump administration efforts to make health care prices more transparent. It was encouraged to do so by Talon President and CEO Mark Galvin, who told The Center Square that the cost of medical services can range widely depending on the provider and whether they’re in-network or out-of-network for a specific plan.

Founded nine years ago, Galvin’s Talon provides users with a variety of software services, including a smartphone app allowing users to compare health insurance plans. 

After a 2018 meeting between Galvin and President Donald Trump’s Domestic Policy Council, a new rule was enacted through the Affordable Care Act and was later codified and expanded upon in the 2020 No Surprises Act.

Galvin told The Center Square that he saw the Trump administration’s effort as a “rare opportunity to try and solve this problem.” He was also surprised to see that the Biden administration didn’t move to scrap the rule in progress. 

The main reason for the lack of transparency on medical bills is that healthcare costs aren’t disclosed typically until the patient is billed for services, Galvin argued. Legally, health providers don’t have to disclose them prior to treatment.

The new rule, Galvin said, brought the industry from “zero transparency to 100% transparency and allowed consumers that care to be able to find the prices. We got a huge success here. Federal government did something really worthwhile for consumers can get the information they need.

Industry was effectively screwing over consumers.”

“100% transparency” in theory.

The catch: The rule places the burden of enforcement on employers who offer health insurance to their employees and face a fine if they don’t provide transparency. Aside from successfully getting their health insurance carrier to comply, the only other available option is to switch carriers.

Fines of $100 a day per business for noncompliance, or $36,500 a year, may provide a financial spur for businesses to insist on this from their insurance providers in the long term.

“We have no way to force carriers to publish their negotiated rates, because it’s a private business,” Galvin explained. “They have a First Amendment right to keep it secret,” though perhaps a financial incentive to open up.

The rule took effect in January. All covered healthcare items like prescription drugs must be part of the carrier’s online transparency tool for plan years that begin on or after January 2024.

It may take a while for the fines to start being imposed, however, as it’s not clear which federal bureaucracy gets to issue the fines.

The rule involves three agencies: the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Treasury. It has yet to be decided which one will ask businesses to pay up.

By Chris Woodward, The Center Square

Affordable housing, wages, even an unwillingness to work are why experts say Montana businesses struggle to hire workers.

Montana is among the states where employers are struggling the most in hiring this year. Wallethub, a personal finance website, ranks Montana fourth out of all the states plus the District of Columbia. 

The list comes at a time when the labor force participation rate is only 62.4%, and in order to determine which states are ranked where, Wallethub examined the rate of job openings for the latest month as well as the 12 months. 

Tanner Avery, communications and outreach director for Montana-based Frontier Institute, says a major reason businesses are struggling to find workers is that “Montana’s most in-demand counties and cities frequently either outright prohibit or penalize affordable multifamily starter homes like duplexes.” As a result, the lack of housing has forced workers to leave their communities in search of affordable places to live.

“Fifty percent of zoned land in thirteen of Montana’s most in-demand counties either outright prohibit or penalize affordable multifamily starter homes like duplexes,” says Avery. “Among the major cities assessed in the Montana Zoning Atlas report, two-family housing is on average welcomed by-right on just 41% of zoned land, while 3+ family housing is on average welcomed on only 29%.”

National experts offer different takes as to why employers in some states are struggling more than others. 

“They are not offering high enough wages,” says Daniel Schwab, assistant professor of economics and accounting at College of the Holy Cross. “The relatively low unemployment rate makes workers confident they can find another job if they quit.”

Joelle Saad-Lessler, Ph.D., associate dean of undergraduates at the Steven Institute of Technology’s School of Business, thinks Americans might be “re-evaluating” their willingness to work. They may be due to concerns about COVID or the desire to care for their kids more.

“Perhaps they can live off the benefits they have received during the pandemic and do not have to pay for rent yet if the rent moratorium still holds,” says Saad-Lessler. “But it is not 100% clear why the labor force participation rate is still so low.”

If the labor force remains low, it could cause more problems for the economy. Raymond J. Keating, chief economist for the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, says the U.S. faces a long-term challenge on the labor front with aging people. 

“Higher levels of immigration would help not only to meet the need for workers but also would boost the country’s slowdown in entrepreneurship,” says Keating. 

Only Alaska, West Virginia, and Louisiana outranked the Treasure State.

Resolution to Repeal New WOTUS Rule

Which bodies of water are subject to federal regulation has been greatly contested when it comes to Waters of the United States (WOTUS). National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) members have been fighting for certainty and clear compliance standards while the rules continue to change with each administration. The Congressional Review Act (CRA) establishes a process for a resolution of disapproval that would repeal the new WOTUS rule. NFIB recently sent two letters of support for the CRA to the House and Senate.

The resolution would repeal the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers’ December 2022 WOTUS rule that expands the federal government’s regulatory authority over wetlands, farms, and private property. The Administration ignored the calls from NFIB and America’s small farmers, ranchers, developers, contractors, and other small businesses to wait for the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Sackett v. EPA case, which is expected in the coming months.

“America’s farmers, ranchers, developers, contractors, and other small businesses have been greatly affected by the ongoing changes to WOTUS standards,” explained Kevin Kuhlman, NFIB Vice President of Federal Government Relations. “This overreaching rule increases compliance burdens and uncertainty for small businesses as they wait to hear from the Supreme Court.” 

According to NFIB’s Problems and Priorities survey, “unreasonable and burdensome government regulation” is a significant problem facing small businesses. NFIB has filed an amicus brief in Sackett v. EPA. NFIB’s brief argues the Supreme Court should reverse the lower court’s decision and clarify that EPA has exceeded its federal authority under the Clean Water Act (CWA).

Under the CWA, the WOTUS Rule determines which bodies of water fall under federal jurisdiction. Over the years, presidential administrations have applied very different standards regarding when the federal government has jurisdiction over – and can regulate – wetlands. The EPA’s new rule reinstates a broader interpretation of the CWA that would expand federal authority over private property wetlands and land across the country. Under this standard, owners would need to acquire federal permits for lands that are dry most of the year.s

By Casey Harper, The Center Square

 Researchers analyzed nine U.S. cities that implemented vaccine mandates during the pandemic and found that those mandates had no real effect on the spread of COVID-19.

Now, those cities’ leaders are not responding to questions about their mandates and the economic impact they had on residents.

The study was conducted through George Mason University’s Mercatus Center and evaluated Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington D.C.

Those cities announced some form of city-wide vaccine mandate in 2021, leading to economic hardship for local businesses and lost jobs for those who refused to comply.

“Our findings put into question the efficacy of city-level vaccine mandates,” the report said. “Indoor vaccine mandates caused large disruptions for many individuals and businesses. New York City, for example, fired 1,430 city workers for failing to comply with its vaccine mandate (Fitzsimmons, 2022). A survey found that over 90% of NYC restaurants reported having customer-related challenges, such as losing customers who objected to the mandate, and 75% having staff-related challenges (New York State Restaurant Association, 2021). Those are just a small fraction of the disruptions caused by the mandates.”

Despite the economic hardship they caused, the study found no noteworthy slow of COVID-19. Researchers said this was in part because residents could simply travel outside city limits to participate in any activities banned in the city.

[Bear in mind that Montana’s major cities all made attempts at shutting down businesses and mandated stay-at-home policies for workers – often to the point of establishing their own enforcement agents to do so.]

“We find no evidence that the announcement or implementation of indoor vaccine mandates in the cities listed had any significant effect on vaccine uptake, COVID-19 cases, or COVID-19 deaths, and this is largely consistent for all US cities that implemented the mandate,” the report said.

The Center Square reached out to the mayor’s offices for all nine cities to present the findings and ask if their respective governments made a mistake but received no response.

“I think the more important thing is to find out what was in the minds of the people both at the federal level and at the state and local level who imposed these policies,” said Bob Moffit, an expert at the Heritage Foundation who served as a senior official of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Personnel Management during the Reagan administration.

“Because based on the data, these kind of comprehensive vaccine mandate policies, there is no other way to describe except as a stupid, ham-handed policy,” he added. “The economic consequences were awful.”

Vitor Melo, one of the researchers behind the report, told The Center Square his team was surprised by the results. They expected to find some benefit to the mandates.

“We were all surprised, and I think we were all surprised as we kept going with this how consistent the results were for all the cities,” Melo said.

The researchers hope this report impacts decision-making for these kinds of policies going forward.

“Public health restrictions and regulations were widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic, and so understanding their consequences is essential,” the report said. “The authors find that city-level mandates had smaller effect on vaccine uptake (and consequently on COVID-19 cases and deaths) than nationwide mandates – and thus failed to achieve their intended objectives.”

Addressing the Montana Housing Coalition at the State Capitol, Governor Greg Gianforte highlighted his administration’s efforts to increase the supply of affordable workforce housing in Montana, calling on the legislature to send pro-housing reforms to his desk.

“Housing is a top priority for Montanans. I hear it over and over from folks throughout the state,” Gov. Gianforte said to the coalition at the State Capitol. “To increase the supply of affordable workforce housing, we can’t keep doing the same thing we’ve done year after year after year. The state can’t. And local governments can’t. It hasn’t worked.”

Gov. Gianforte continued, “We must change our approach. I’m urging the legislature to get pro-housing reforms to my desk.”

In his remarks, Gov. Gianforte highlighted how the demand for more housing has outpaced homebuilding over the last decade in Montana. Between 2010 and 2020, Montana’s population grew by 9.6 percent, outpacing the state’s housing unit growth of 6.6 percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The governor also pointed to rising prices, mortgage rates, and inflation as making it more difficult for Montanans to own or rent a home, as well as burdensome regulations.

Driven by increased consumer demand, rising inflation, and national supply chain breakdowns, the cost of building a new home has soared, with private residential construction costs skyrocketing 18.4 percent nationally between March 2021 and March 2022, according to the Census Bureau.

Regulations at every level of government drive up the price of newly built homes. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) estimated government-imposed regulations account for 23.8 percent of the final price of a new single-family home built for sale.

Last summer, Gov. Gianforte stood up a diverse, bipartisan Housing Task Force to provide recommendations to make housing more affordable and attainable for Montanans.

In line with one of the task force’s recommendations, the governor proposed the Home Ownership Means Economic Security (HOMES) Program in his Budget for Montana Families. Tied to conditions, including increased density, the program invests $200 million to expand water and sewer infrastructure and ultimately increase the supply of affordable workforce housing.

The governor has called on the legislature to send this bill and other pro-housing reforms to his desk.

“Working with the legislature, we’re making great progress to get these bills across the finish line, but we must continue to act with the urgency this situation requires,” said Gov. Gianforte.

The governor concluded, “Every day, I am focused on opening the doors of greater opportunity so more Montanans can thrive, prosper, and achieve the American dream. And every day, Montanans work hard to realize the American dream – to earn a decent living, to raise a family, to contribute to their communities, to retire comfortably, and to own a home. Working together, let’s increase the supply of affordable, attainable housing, and let’s help more folks achieve the American dream of homeownership.”

Big Sky Economic Development’s (BSED) workforce development program, BillingsWorks, will be implementing the Summer Jobs Program in Yellowstone County this upcoming summer for the second year in a row. The Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program matches participants with a paid position, provides a paid foundational work skills training, and connects students with an adult mentor for the summer. SJP participants are high school students and recent graduates eager to develop their work skills and explore their career options. Participating area businesses (in all industries) and community organizations help strengthen the local economy by connecting youth to meaningful work experiences.

“We are excited to support our partners in Yellowstone County as they implement the Summer Jobs Program. We have seen success with this community-driven program in Helena, and we are eager to expand the program so more youth can access earn-and-learn opportunities,” Gabrielle Ekund Rowley, Executive Director of American Jobs for America’s Youth Montana.

Through the program, students gain skills, experience, and professional networks that prepare them for success in future endeavors. The work skills our students learn and practice serve them well both in and out of the workforce.

Bo Bruinsma, Career Outreach Director at School District Two stated, “Billings Public Schools is excited our students will have the opportunity to participate in the Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program. Students will have the opportunity to be introduced to careers and industries they are interested in, gain valuable employability skills and experience, and network with professionals in our community. We’re confident this program can help students make more informed decisions about their future and show them all the great career opportunities available here in Yellowstone County.”

“BillingsWorks is proud to have the opportunity to collaborate with community partners to implement the SJP here in Yellowstone County in efforts to address local workforce challenges and expose students to potential career pathways. We hope to see participation from all high schools within Yellowstone County.”- Marcell Bruski, Director of Marketing & BillingsWorks

The execution of this effort will be done in conjunction with the Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program (SJP) Committee made up of BSED, the Billings Chamber of Commerce NextGEN, School District 2, Reach Higher Montana, with the support of American Jobs for American Youth (AJAY) Montana. The goal of this pilot year is to serve at least 30 Yellowstone County youth (ages 16-19), matching them with local employers and local mentors.

c will be implementing the Summer Jobs Program in Yellowstone County this upcoming summer for the second year in a row. The Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program matches participants with a paid position, provides a paid foundational work skills training, and connects students with an adult mentor for the summer. SJP participants are high school students and recent graduates eager to develop their work skills and explore their career options. Participating area businesses (in all industries) and community organizations help strengthen the local economy by connecting youth to meaningful work experiences.

“We are excited to support our partners in Yellowstone County as they implement the Summer Jobs Program. We have seen success with this community-driven program in Helena, and we are eager to expand the program so more youth can access earn-and-learn opportunities,” Gabrielle Ekund Rowley, Executive Director of American Jobs for America’s Youth Montana.

Through the program, students gain skills, experience, and professional networks that prepare them for success in future endeavors. The work skills our students learn and practice serve them well both in and out of the workforce.

Bo Bruinsma, Career Outreach Director at School District Two stated, “Billings Public Schools is excited our students will have the opportunity to participate in the Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program. Students will have the opportunity to be introduced to careers and industries they are interested in, gain valuable employability skills and experience, and network with professionals in our community. We’re confident this program can help students make more informed decisions about their future and show them all the great career opportunities available here in Yellowstone County.”

“BillingsWorks is proud to have the opportunity to collaborate with community partners to implement the SJP here in Yellowstone County in efforts to address local workforce challenges and expose students to potential career pathways. We hope to see participation from all high schools within Yellowstone County.”- Marcell Bruski, Director of Marketing & BillingsWorks

The execution of this effort will be done in conjunction with the Yellowstone County Summer Jobs Program (SJP) Committee made up of BSED, the Billings Chamber of Commerce NextGEN, School District 2, Reach Higher Montana, with the support of American Jobs for American Youth (AJAY) Montana. The goal of this pilot year is to serve at least 30 Yellowstone County youth (ages 16-19), matching them with local employers and local mentors.

Approximately nine out of 10 metro markets registered home price gains in the fourth quarter of 2022 despite mortgage rates eclipsing 7%, according to the National Association of Realtors’ latest quarterly report. Eighteen percent of the 186 tracked metro areas registered double-digit price increases over the same time period, down from 46% in the third quarter of 2022.

Compared to a year ago, the national median single-family existing-home price rose 4.0% to $378,700. Year-over-year price appreciation decelerated when compared to the previous quarter’s 8.6%.

“A slowdown in home prices is underway and welcomed, particularly as the typical home price has risen 42% in the past three years,” NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said, noting these costs increases have far surpassed wage increases and consumer price inflation of 15% and 14%, respectively, since 2019. “Far fewer metro markets experienced double-digit price gains in the latest quarter.”

Among the major U.S. regions, the South saw the largest share of single-family existing-home sales (45%) in the third quarter, with year-over-year price appreciation of 4.9%. Prices grew 5.3% in the Northeast, 4.0% in the Midwest, and 2.6% in the West.

“Even with a projected reduction in home sales this year, prices are expected to remain stable in the vast majority of the markets due to extremely limited supply,” Yun added. “Moreover, there are signs that buyers are returning as mortgage rates decline, even with inventory levels near historic lows.”

The top 10 metro areas with the largest year-over-year price increases all recorded gains of at least 14.5%, with seven of those markets in Florida and the Carolinas.

Half of the top 10 most expensive markets in the U.S. were in California.

Roughly one in 10 markets (11%; 20 of 186) experienced home price declines in the fourth quarter of 2022.

“A few markets may see double-digit price drops, especially some of the more expensive parts of the country which have also seen weaker employment and higher instances of residents moving to other areas,” Yun added.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, housing affordability was exacerbated by elevated home prices and mortgage rates which roughly doubled from the beginning of the year. The monthly mortgage payment on a typical existing single-family home with a 20% down payment was $1,969. This represents a 7% increase from the third quarter of last year ($1,838) but a major surge of 58% – or $720 – from one year ago. Families typically spent 26.2% of their income on mortgage payments, up from 25% in the prior quarter and 17.5% one year ago.

Once again, first-time buyers looking to purchase a typical home during the fourth quarter of 2022 encountered challenges related to housing’s growing unaffordability. For a typical starter home valued at $321,900 with a 10% down payment loan, the monthly mortgage payment rose to $1,931, about 7% more than the previous quarter ($1,806) and an increase of almost $700, or 57%, from one year ago ($1,233). First-time buyers typically spent 39.5% of their family income on mortgage payments, up from 37.8% in the previous quarter. A mortgage is considered unaffordable if the monthly payment (principal and interest) amounts to more than 25% of the family’s income.

A family needed a qualifying income of at least $100,000 to afford a 10% down payment mortgage in 71 markets, up from 59 in the prior quarter. Yet, a family needed a qualifying income of less than $50,000 to afford a home in 16 markets, down from 17 in the previous quarter.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $18,914,000 from President Biden’s Infrastructure Law to address emerging contaminants, like Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in drinking water in Montana.  This investment, which is allocated to states and territories, will be made available to communities as grants through EPA’s Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities (EC-SDC) Grant Program and will promote access to safe and clean water in small, rural, and disadvantaged communities while supporting local economies.

Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the availability of $2 billion in water infrastructure investments at an event held in North Carolina recently. “Too many American communities, especially those that are small, rural, or underserved, are suffering from exposure to PFAS and other harmful contaminants in their drinking water,” said EPA Administrator Michael Regan. “Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, we are investing in America and providing billions of dollars to strengthen our nation’s water infrastructure while safeguarding people’s health and boosting local economies. These grants build on EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap and will help protect our smallest and most vulnerable communities from these persistent and dangerous chemicals.”

“EPA is delivering on its strategic commitment to address PFAS and emerging contaminants with more than $18 million for infrastructure projects that will safeguard Montana’s drinking water for years to come,” said EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker. “These funds will help water providers invest in treatment technologies and solutions to contamination concerns in the communities that need them most.”

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $5 billion over five years to help communities that are on the frontlines of PFAS contamination reduce PFAS in drinking water. EPA announced the funds for Montana as part of an allotment of $2 billion to states and territories that can be used to prioritize infrastructure and source water treatment for pollutants, like PFAS and other emerging contaminants, and to conduct water quality testing.

EPA is also releasing the Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Grant Implementation document. The implementation document provides states and communities with the information necessary to use this funding to address local water quality and public health challenges. These grants will enable communities to improve local water infrastructure and reduce emerging contaminants in drinking water by implementing solutions such as installing necessary treatment solutions.