I appreciated my time spent on this 95 mill property tax issue with you , the Dept. of Revenue and the Lobbyist for the School Organizations. I am dis-appointed with the Supreme Court ruling but will abide with it. The educational value of researching and understanding how the school, local government and state school funding is calculated on a tax bill was worth the effort.
But Governor, Your press release on this ruling you stated that you are committed to long-term reform “including holding the line on local spending that drives property tax increases.”
You and the ruling just ordered the Commissioners of Beaverhead County to levy an ADDITIONAL $602,677 on the taxpayers of Beaverhead County. 49 of the 56 Counties across Montana fought hard to control property tax increases this year only to be challenged by You and your Dept. of Revenue to levy an additional $78,774,449 on a statewide level. So much for driving property tax increases.
Beaverhead County taxpayers need to know that
Beaverhead Co. Accessed 19.65 mills LESS than last year.
City of Dillon Accessed 24.14 mills LESS than last year.
School Dist. #10 Accessed 29.67 mills LESS than last year.
BCHS Accessed 17.10 mills LESS than last year.
This was all done by local government trying to control the increase of property taxes by following state law. MCA 15-10-420
In addition, the Agencies in Beaverhead County that have VOTED MILL ATHORITY, the Boards of those agencies decided NOT TO LEVY the full amount this year because of the extreme increases that we are seeing now. These decisions kept $348,355 off of the current year tax bills. Check your tax bills and you will see all levied mills are less than last year. Now, the only line on your tax that will remain the same is the first line called State School Levy.
This is where $600,000 of your property tax dollars will go. This will increase revenue to the State by 34% over last year, almost $99,000,000 State wide.
One final question that needs to be researched, “Did the local school districts just receive a $99 million windfall statewide???” When your local school board reply’s NO, does that mean the $99 million really goes into the State General Fund????
Thanks for allowing me to serve.
Mike McGinley
Beaverhead County Commissioner
Dear Editor:
I would like to thank our Montana Public Service Commissioners Brown, Fielder, Pinocci, O’Donnell, and Bukacek for their diligence in serving and protecting the rights and safety of Montanans.
They have recently ruled that NorthWestern Energy (NWE) is to provide a free, no cost Opt-Out for their installation of Smart/Advanced Meters, including no fees for keeping our old meters or monthly charges.
Unfortunately, NWE has not given customers proper informed consent with which to make informed decisions. Smart Meters have never been proven to be safe for human use and exposure. Thousands of research studies indicate harm from long term exposure to this type of constant high pulsed microwave radiation coming out of Smart Meters. These meters will also catch on fire and explode more easily and emit higher levels of dirty electricity. Smart Meters are contraindicated for those with chronic health conditions and certain medical implants. You can research these negative health and safety effects at https:// www. takebackyourpower.net/ research/
In August 2021, in a historic ruling, a Circuit Court of Appeals in D.C. has ruled that the FCC’s safety guidelines for microwave radiation was inadequate to protect human health. Yet, Utilities are still continuing to install Smart Meters which violate not only our health and safety, but also constitutional rights to privacy with 24/7 collection of private utility data. Eventually Smart Meters can be used to track and control your carbon footprints.
Fortunately, we can Opt-Out of these risks by contacting NorthWestern Energy 1-800-486-4280 for an Opt-Out Application.
Mae Woo
Billings, MT